Episode 203

Published on:

20th Oct 2022

16 content ideas for November (that use awareness days)

Looking for some content ideas for November? 

In this episode of the Courageous Content Podcast, I’ll share 16 ready-to-go content ideas for November for small business owners. They’re based on the fill-in-the-gaps social media templates in my 2023 Courageous Content Planner & Content Kit. 

You can use them as inspiration for social media posts, blogs, newsletters, podcasts (and any other content you create to promote your business). 

Here’s the awareness dates I cover: 

  • Stress Awareness Day (November 2)
  • World Quality Day (November 10) 
  • Have a Bad Day Day (November 19)
  • Small Business Saturday (November 26)

Key Links

Janet Murray’s Courageous Content Planner

Janet Murray’s Courageous Podcasting Content Kit

Janet Murray’s Courageous Planner Launch Content Kit

Janet Murray's Courageous Blog Content Kit

Save £30 on my Courageous Email Lead Magnet Content Kit using the code MAGNET67.

Save £30 on my Business Basics Content Kit using the code PODCAST67.

Save £30 on my Courageous Launch Content Kit using the code PODCAST67.

Janet Murray’s Courators Kit

Janet Murray’s FREE Ultimate Course Launch Checklist

How to use awareness days in your content (without sounding cheesy, cliched - or like  everyone else online) (podcast)

Common mistakes business owners make with awareness days (podcast)

3 myths about using awareness days in your content (podcast)

Non-cheesy ways to turn awareness days into social media posts (podcast)

What is cash generation content (and how to create it) (podcast)

How much time should you spend on Cash Generation content? (podcast)

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Janet Murray on TikTok




Do you sometimes get stuck for ideas on what to post on social media on your blog, if you have one, or in your email newsletter? If so, then you are in luck. I'm Janet Murray. I'm the creator of the Courageous Content Planner and Content Kit, along with a whole host of content kits that are packed with fill in the gaps content templates that will save you a ton of time on content planning and creation.

templates that come with why:

So if you haven't yet invested in your


copy, then make sure you do. There's a link to invest in your planner and content kits in the show notes, but I'll tell you more as we go.

So first off, if you already have my courageous content planner and content kit, you'll know that I generally recommend for stars of. News and trends. So this is content that solves a problem or answers a question for your ideal customers or clients, and one that's timely and relevant at the time of publication.

That bit's important, needs to be seasonal or timely. Then there's inspire content. So this is the type of content that reassures your customers or clients. It inspires them to take action. And yes, that does include buying your product or service. This is where your sales content fits in. Then there's community content.

This type of content is about


nurturing your relationship with your audience, asking questions, sharing personal stories, and behind the scenes content, for example, And then there's educate content. So this type of content solves a problem or answers a question for your ideal customers or clients. From my experience, posting four styles of content four days a week is usually more than enough for most small businesses and brands to make an impact with their content.

And that also includes a few weeks off or holidays or when you're just not feeling it. So before we get stuck into the ideas, I've got 16 of them for you. A reminder that you don't have to use awareness days literal. I go into this in much more detail in my episode entitled How to Turn Awareness Date into Content without Being Cheesy, cliched, or sounding like everyone else online.

And I also give lots of


You don't even have to mention the awareness day at all and the awareness days that you use to inspire your content ideas. Awareness days are not a straight jacket that dictates that. You can only create content that relates strictly to the same. They're at tool, They're a resource that you can use just to spark ideas and to get the creativity flow.

So the first date we're going to look at is Stress Awareness Day. So that's the 2nd of November. And regardless of what type of business you have, you can create content for Stress Awareness Day. And what I mean by that is you don't need to be a counselor or coach


or a psychotherapist to create engaging content for this date.

So to create a news and trends style post, you can simply share tips on reducing stress. This needs to be seasonal, remember. So reducing stress in a particular month or a. So for example, if you work in an industry where November is likely to be your busiest month, let's just say for arguments sake that that's accountancy.

are a tax. And by the way, my:

Content templates for posts like this that will get you off the blank page and give you tons of content ideas in minutes,


inspire content. The second type of content that I recommend is simply about connecting with your ideal customers or clients. And a really great way to do this is to share relatable experiences or.

So you could share how you've reduced stress in a particular area of your life or business. So share a relatable and personal story or experience, or even a meme or a quote. Community content is all about creating connections and starting conversations. So asking questions is a quick and easy way to create engaging community content.

And community content works particularly well I find for Facebook groups, Instagram stories, Twitter. So you could simply ask your followers to share what makes them stressed in a particular context or even at a particular time of year. It is important to be specific with this type


of question.

Otherwise, people have to think too hard, and when people have to think too hard, they don't always respond. So is the difference between saying what makes you stressed? That is a very open question. What makes you stressed as a tax accountant or what makes you stressed as a mother of twins, or what makes you stressed as a vegan?

All of those things are much more specific. So I'm thinking now about what makes you stressed as a vegan at Christmas, for example. The more specific you can be, the more likely people will be to reply because it's easier. They get what you're asking and they don't have to think too hard. To create an educate post around stress awareness day, you can share tips and tactics on reducing stress if you know your ideal customers or clients, and I'm sure you do, you'll know what their common stress points are.

So for example, I know my clients struggle to find time to create content to promote their


business, and particularly when they're busy with client delivery or if they have a product based business, they'll often struggle at times of year when they're likely to get lots of orders. It's harder for me this time of year because that's my key sales period for my courageous content planner.

And also when I run my annual live event, courageous content live. So even as a content strategist, this is the time of year that my content is most likely to fall apart or are most likely to get behind. So understanding what your I do customers or clients find difficult and also. Any times of year or any periods where things might be particularly stressful, that's gonna be really helpful when it comes to creating content for them.

Remember also that the word stress has multiple meanings and interpretations. Say for example, if you are a physiotherapist, you might focus on


avoiding or treating stress fractures. If you are a piano teacher, you could share the most common physical stresses of playing the piano and how to avoid. If you're a product based business, it's really important to see yourself as an expert in the products you sell, rather than focusing on the product itself.

Unless you sell products or services that are specifically aimed at reducing stress like stress balls or of only therapy or something like that. So for example, as somebody who sells a product, so that's my courageous content planner and content care. I could create a post on how to avoid getting stressed and overwhelmed with content planning.

And if I know the particular audience that I'm writing for and I know when those stresses are likely to occur, I can be even more specific with that post or blog, post or email newsletter because all of these ideas could be turned into longer form content. Then we've


got World's Quality Day, so that's on November the 10th.

And the theme of quality and improvement can be applied to any business or brand. So to create and use and trends post, you could share tips and tactics on improving the quality of something in a particular month or season or time period. For example, how's to get along better with your family this Christmas, or how to make melt in your mouth?

Pastry for mince pies, not something you probably catch me doing. And I say that because I'm not very good at. Sharing a book that's improved the quality of your life or your business could make a great inspire post. For example, a book that's really inspired me to, and then you would insert something your ideal customers or clients really want to improve is then name the book.

It inspires me because insert reason one, insert reason two, insert reason three. And your call to action in this post


might be asking your followers, What's a book that inspires. And by the way, that is an actual fill in the gaps template from microwaves, content planner and content kit. There are a thousand of them and people love them because they just take away the thinking.

What I've given you, there might be the skeleton, it might be the bare bones of your post or it might actually be your post. Everything that you need is there, but it's just getting you off the blank page and getting you writing or creating, cuz these can be used for videos too. Then there's inspire content and remember that Inspire content is.

Or it certainly can be about inspiring people to invest in your products or services. So if you ever feel icky or silly about talking about your products or services, hopefully that's a helpful reframe for you. You're creating content that is inspiring people to invest. So if you have a product or service, world Quality Day could be the perfect


opportunity to create a post on how you make your product.

Including the materials and the methods that you use. And this can work even if you have a service based business. If you sell an online course, for example, or a membership or a coaching program, you could create a post or a video where you are showing people around some of the templates or around the membership site where you host your materials.

Giving them a bit of a peak behind the scenes, and that can often be what people need to take them over the line, as it were, Particularly with digital products, because one of the reasons people don't invest is they can't see it. They can't feel it, they don't know what it looks like. So that type of post can be really powerful.

Then there's community content. So for this topic, I just think of a topic that your ideal customers or clients will have an opinion about when it comes to quality. So there's a template


in my kit, which is five words long. When I say five words, it's four words and a gap. What makes a quality insert topic?

If you know your customers and clients well, you'll know the type of topics that they've got opinions about. So just insert your topic there. To create an educate post on this topic, take a really similar approach to news and trends, so share tips and tactics on how to improve the quality of something.

You just don't need it to be seasonal or timely for an educate post. That's really the the only difference. So you might create a post on how to create more engaging social media videos if you are a social media manager that is, or how to reduce fuzz if you are a curly girl, if you are a hairdresser or you sell styling products.

And remember, educate posts don't have to be seasonal, so just think about how you can solve problems for your ideal customers or clients and add value.


Next up, we've got have a bad day, Day on November the 19th. This is such a relatable topic. We've all had a bad day, haven't we? So to create the news and trends pose, you could recommend books, films, TV shows, anything in fact that might pick up your ideal customers or clients after a bad day if you have a product based business and you'll pick me up, relates to your product.

Brilliant. Perfect. For an Inspire post, you could create a relatable quotes or meme that relates to having a bad day. And by the way, my Courageous Awareness Days content kit includes a specific session on how to create shareable memes and quotes, along with an audio training on how to turn awareness days into content.

It also includes more than a hundred any time fill in the gap, social media, post templates that will help you to create social media posts that relate to any awareness day because they're organized by theme and


do it. The kit also includes a copy of my 2023 Courageous Content Planner while stocks last.

Community content is about creating connections and conversations. So you could simply ask your ideal customers or clients what they do to feel better when they've had a bad day. And you could create an educate post by sharing tips, tactics, ideas that work for you when you are having a bad day, or that you know might work for your ideal customers or clients.

Say for example, if you are a coach that works specifically with teachers, you might think about the times of year your clients might be most stressed or. Be most likely to have had a bad day. So that might be at the start or end of term, or it might be during a school inspection. If your audience is home educators, you might think about the times of year when it's hardest to homeschool your children


and what tips or advice you could provide them.

Finally, we've got small business Saturday, so that's on November 26th, and this is a great opportunity for you to support small businesses, which is of course a great thing to do if you run a small. To create and use and trends post, you could share a list of local, small businesses you recommend buying gifts from this Christmas that makes it seasonal and timely.

Or list out the reasons people should buy Christmas gifts from small businesses, and that's a good post for product based businesses by the way. Sharing a small business owner who's been a great role model for you, could be a great inspire post, or you could share a number. I generally wouldn't go over three or five for a social media post, but it doesn't have to be one.

It could be a number of people if you sell products that post on the reasons people should buy Christmas gifts from small businesses like yours could also


work well as an inspire post because you are inspiring people to invest their money with businesses like. And to create the quick community post, you can simply ask your followers to recommend small business owners they buy from or will be buying from this Christmas or at any time.

In fact, it could be that you talk about small business owners that you particularly know, like, and trust in a particular sector or industry. The important thing is to get conversation. Finally educate content so you could create an educate post by sharing a list of ways to support small businesses, even if you are not able to invest in their products or services.

So I hope you found that useful. That was 16 ideas for you. So I should keep you nice and busy in November. One question that might be on your mind right now, particularly if this is the first of these types


of episodes that you've listened to. I publish one every month for the following month, is how much of each type should I publish?

And that really is about what your business goals are at the. If that's a question that's come up for you, I'd really recommend listening to the episode on cash generation content. I will link to that in the show notes along with any that I've mentioned already in this episode, and those I also think will be relevant.

And a reminder that my:


courageous content planner and content kits for 2023.

nly available in November. My:

Quarterly, weekly, monthly, and daily planning comes with full instructions at the front of the planner, which will show you how to plan out a year's worth of content and actually ensure that you're consistent and you actually do it. The planner also includes a thousand. More than a thousand impact awareness days and key dates to spark content ideas.

But more


importantly, this year, it comes with my Courageous kit, which is sold separately for 147 pounds, gifting it to you absolutely free this year. Along with those a thousand, it's more than a thousand to fill in the gaps. Social media post templates is also templates for blogs, newsletters, and other essential business content in there.

The Courages Kit training will show you how to get the most out of your planner, how to take the awareness days and key days, and how to quickly turn them into content that will generate leads and sales for your business, or indeed help you to achieve any objectives that you have for your business. A question I get asked a lot is, Is it right for my business?

And the answer is really simple. If you need to create content to promote a business, a brand, a not-for-profit organization, a personal brand business, the courageous content planner and kit is right for you.


All of the fill arts templates can be adapted for any type of business brand. And yes, that does include product based businesses, but my team are always happy to answer questions to just drop us a line on janet@janetmurray.co.uk

, you will save a third of my:

Show artwork for Courageous

About the Podcast

Business strategy to generate predictable revenue and scale your business. Hosted by Janet Murray. For coaches, consultant, freelancers, contractors and/or business owners (of any age or stage) who want to build a sustainable business.
The 'Courageous' podcast is for entrepreneurs and business owners who want inspiration/ideas to help grow their business.

This podcast is hosted Janet Murray - a business strategist and former journalist - with more than a decade's experience in building online businesses.

Series 1 is solo season - and is packed with practical business advice and strategies to grow your business.
Series 2 - which is due to land in October 2024 - will feature indepth interviews with entrepreneurs and business leaders. They'll be sharing the challenges and obstacles they've had to overcome in their business - along with their biggest mistakes (and what they learned from getting things 'wrong').

So make sure you subscribe so you don't miss out when Season 2 lands in October.

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Janet Murray

I’m Janet Murray - I’m a business strategist and copywriter who helps consultants, coaches, freelancers and small business owners generate consistent income and/or recurring revenue.

I’m also the creator of the Courageous CEO Business Strategy Planner - which contains tried and tested strategy & resources to grow your business.