Episode 124

Published on:

29th Mar 2022

4 content ideas for April (that use awareness days)




Oh, you looking for content ideas for April, you could be in luck. I'm, Janet Murray. I'm a content and online business strategist. And in this episode of the courageous content podcast, I'll share four, ready to go content ideas for April, All of which use awareness days, you can use them as inspiration for social media posts, blogs, newsletters,


podcasts, whatever content you create to promote your business. If you have a copy of my courageous content planner, you'll already know it's packed full of awareness days. So this will give you a quick masterclass in how to take some of those dates and turn them into content to promote your business regardless of the type of business. So before I get stuck into the dates for April a quick reminder about the four styles of content that I recommend,


so I recommend four styles, news, and trends inspire community and educate. And as I share my content ideas with you, don't worry. I will explain what each of those content styles are. So first up there's Tell a Lie day on April 4th, this can be a great opportunity to bust some myths. One really easy to create posts is one where you share three common lies or myths in your industry.


And if you have a copy of my Courageous Content Planner, this would be an example of an inspire posts because inspire content is all about making your audience feel better. It's often about reassuring them that they're doing okay. And when you bust myths or lies in your industry, often, that's exactly what you're doing is saying, these are the things you really don't need to worry about,


or these are the things that you don't need to take on board because they're not actually that relevant or they're not even true. An example from my own recent content, I shared a post entitled what gurus don't share about online course creation. And by the way, if you're doing a lies or myths posts, you don't actually have to have lies or myths or header.


You can use the title three common myths about, but if you can think of something that works better for you, like what gurus don't share about online course creation that worked for me, then that's still fine. So in this post, I kind of reverse engineered some myths or lies in my industry. And actually, in my industry, it's often more about omission leaking things out.


So things like not telling people that it's not a great idea to create and all singing, all dancing multi-module online course before you try and sell it because it can be really heartbreaking to spend months creating an online course only to find that no one wants to buy it. And there's a common thing that the online guru is fail to mention is that if you want to sell an online course in the hundreds or thousands,


you do need an audience and you do need an email list. If you're just looking to make some sales, then you can absolutely manage without either of those things. But if you're looking to create a six or seven-figure business, you probably are going to need that audience and email list. Another post or piece of content you could create full tell ally day is a community post.


So this type of content is about starting a conversation with your audience about bringing them closer and a great post that works every time for me is posing a moral dilemma. So is it okay to lie about filling the gaps? That can be a great community posts and community posts often work particularly well in Facebook groups. They're great for Instagram stories. One place.


I don't think they work so well is on an Instagram grid. For me, that's more like a shot window, but they also work well on Twitter and LinkedIn to another date. That's great to create content about in April is National Pet Day, because let's face it. Everyone loves a pet picture. So don't be afraid just to share a picture of your coach or kitty or any other pets that you have,


the more unusual, the better sometimes and ask your audience to share theirs. If you have a copy of my courageous content planner, if I'm a big asset, this is a good example of a community post community content really is about building and nurturing that relationship with your audience. Then you've got world voice day, which is on April the 16th. And this one's a really good example of how awareness days are there to spark ideas.


They are not there to be a straight jacket that dictates that you can only post about a particular topic on a particular day. If that particular awareness day is relevant in your country. So you can take this day quite literally, if you have the kind of business where it is super relevant, if you teach singing, if you're a public speaking coach or some kind of presenter,


you can literally share a tip on how to use your voice. I was watching a tech talk yesterday, which just fascinated me from a vocal coach. And she was talking about how great singing is just speaking your voice music. I think that was the phrase that she is absolutely fascinating. So if you have that type of business world voice day, great day to share some practical tips and strategies,


or you can get a bit more metaphorical. So regardless of what kind of area you work in, most of us at some point are required to speak up, whether it's literally public speaking or we're required to speak up in a meeting or to have a difficult conversation with someone. So there are loads of places that you can take this day. If you're not being quite so literal about it,


you could create content about how to stand up to bullies or how to speak up about injustice. There is so much you can do with this date. So if you're sharing practical voice taps or public speaking tips, that will be an example of the educate style post that's, where you share tips or advice that answer people's questions or solve their problems. The latter standing up to bullies or speaking up about injustice.


That's more of an inspire posts. And for me, opinion, content falls into inspire too, because you're inspiring people to think differently to question their beliefs, to maybe even do things differently. An example of this might be one of my recent podcast episodes, why I don't do affiliate launches. And in that episode, which I'll link to in the show notes,


I was sharing my opinion about something which is potentially quite divisive and was challenging people to think differently, perhaps, or at least question some commonly held practice in my industry. And finally, there's get organized day on April 26th. So this is a great day to share a killer tip that keeps you organized in your life or business, or creates a demo video tutorial behind the scenes video that shows how you do something others would like to do.


I've got a podcast episode, which I'll link to in the show notes about how you organize your fridge. And it's literally not about how I organize mine, but in it, I talk about a Tik TOK video. I saw where someone was sharing, how they organize their fridge to stop things going off and going moldy. I actually have changed the way that I organize my fridge on the basis of this piece of content.


People love stuff about organization decluttering, how you organize your office, your workspace, your tech. So it's a really great opportunity to create educate style content when you're sharing tips, advice, tutorials, demos, and also invite other people to share theirs. You could easily turn this into a community post simply by asking people to share a picture of their workspace or where they live or where they are out,


walking or running, whatever feels most relevant to your audience. So I hope you found that useful and not only has it given you some ideas for April and given you a bit of a stair on how to make the most of awareness days in your content. And if you need more ideas on how to use awareness days to inspire content ideas for your business,


here's a couple of episodes you might want to listen to. Non-cheesy ways to turn awareness days into social media posts and three myths about using awareness days in your content. Did you see what I did there? That one will be perfect for it. Tell a lie day. So I hope you found that useful as other ideas of hearing from you. And if you'd like to follow up with me about this episode or any other of my podcast episodes,


the best place to connect with me is usually on Instagram. I'm at Jan Murray UK.

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About the Podcast

Business strategy to generate predictable revenue and scale your business. Hosted by Janet Murray. For coaches, consultant, freelancers, contractors and/or business owners (of any age or stage) who want to build a sustainable business.
The 'Courageous' podcast is for entrepreneurs and business owners who want inspiration/ideas to help grow their business.

This podcast is hosted Janet Murray - a business strategist and former journalist - with more than a decade's experience in building online businesses.

Series 1 is solo season - and is packed with practical business advice and strategies to grow your business.
Series 2 - which is due to land in October 2024 - will feature indepth interviews with entrepreneurs and business leaders. They'll be sharing the challenges and obstacles they've had to overcome in their business - along with their biggest mistakes (and what they learned from getting things 'wrong').

So make sure you subscribe so you don't miss out when Season 2 lands in October.

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Janet Murray

I’m Janet Murray - I’m a business strategist and copywriter who helps consultants, coaches, freelancers and small business owners generate consistent income and/or recurring revenue.

I’m also the creator of the Courageous CEO Business Strategy Planner - which contains tried and tested strategy & resources to grow your business.