Episode 179

Published on:

12th Jul 2022

4 content ideas for August (that use awareness days)

Need some content ideas in August? 

In this episode of the Courageous Content Podcast, I’ll share four ready-to-go content ideas for August. Use them as inspiration for social media posts, blogs, newsletters, podcasts…whatever content you create to promote your business. 

You can listen to the podcast or read the blog version below. 

Here’s the awareness days I cover: 

  • Book Lovers Day (August 9) 
  • Relaxation Day (August 15) 
  • World Photo Day (August 19) 
  • World Entrepreneurs Day (August 21)

Key Links

Janet Murray’s Courageous Content Planner

Janet Murray’s Courageous Podcasting Content Kit

Janet Murray’s Courageous Planner Launch Content Kit

Janet Murray's Courageous Blog Content Kit

Save £30 on my Courageous Email Lead Magnet Content Kit using the code MAGNET67.

Save £30 on my Business Basics Content Kit using the code PODCAST67.

Save £30 on my Courageous Launch Content Kit using the code PODCAST67.

Janet Murray’s Courators Kit

Janet Murray’s FREE Ultimate Course Launch Checklist

3 myths about using awareness days in your content (podcast)

Non-cheesy ways to turn awareness days into social media posts (podcast)

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I'll show you how my ideas fit with those. But even if you don't have a copy of the planet, you've never heard of it. You will still get a ton of value from this episode, and it will save you a ton of time. So, first off we've got book Glover's day on August the ninth. So you could share for must read books for your ideal customers or clients or ask your community it's recommended book.


They found interesting or useful if you have my courageous content planner, the first, so sharing must read books for your ideal customers or clients is an example of inspire content. So you're sharing content that will inspire your audience to take action, or just help them to feel more connected, to turn it into a news and trends, posts and news and trends.


Posts are all about delivering information, advice, answering people's questions, being helpful, but also timely. So with news and trends, your post needs to be published at a certain time in order to make sense to your audience. So you could say four must read books for the summer, or for must read books for September. If you are a newly qualified teacher,


anytime that you're asking questions of your audience. So for example, asking them to share their favorite books, that's community content, which is all about building and nurturing your relationship with your audience. If you have your own book, this could be the ideal day to one, a special promotion on your book. And that will be another example of inspired concept.


Because when I think about sales, I don't think about being sleazy or Sally or trying to get your product in front of other people. I think about it in terms of inspiring people to take the next step. If you've got the right people following you on social media or reading your newsletter or your blog, or listening to your podcast, then they should feel inspired by your message and wants to take the next step,


or certainly a proportion of them. Well, so inspiring people to just take the next step by investing in your book. And by the way, it doesn't have to be a physical book. It could also be an ebook or a digital products. It's going to help them solve problems and move forward. And book lovers day, it can be a great date to run a special promotion.


Next up, we've got relaxation day on August the 15th. Now with more business owners using awareness days in their content, I'm seeing some people's social media feeds gets a little bit cliched. And I think a date like relaxation day, it's really tempting to go for the easy option and just use it in a really cliched way. And by the way, if you want to know more about using awareness days in your content,


I do have a couple key episodes to listen to. So one of them is that cheesy ways to use awareness days and your content. I'll link to that in the show notes and also for common myths about awareness days. And I'll link to that one in the show notes too. So the cliched post here is probably asking your audience how they like to relax,


but because many people use these dates and quite a cliched way. If they're seeing that question come up on every platform they go on that day. Well, they may well start to chin out from your content. So here's the three non cliched post ideas for this date. So things you can relax about, if you are a say for example, five things you can relax about as a new mum example,


number two, don't get too relaxed about insert topic your customers or clients will relate to. Even if you insert reason that people might start to relax. So an example for you while you shouldn't get relaxed about your pre-medicine diets, even if it's not your first one example, number three, in certain number rules, you shouldn't relax when you insert relatable scenarios.


So an example for your hair, three rules, you shouldn't relax when your kids have left home to put this into context, a really valuable lesson I learned as a journalist and particularly when it came to editing opinion articles is I remember an editor saying to me, we don't want to publish what everybody else is saying. We want to publish the opposite of what everybody else is saying.


Something that will really challenge people to think differently. So instead of that, cliched ways to relax, flipping it around and talking about things you shouldn't relax, just gives it a different edge. And it's going to make you stand out from other people who are using that date, by the way, if you have a service-based business and you wanted to on some kind of promotion,


this might be a nice way to talk about how your services or your products could help your clients feel more relaxed. Say, for example, if you're an event organizer, you could do a post or a piece of content about how hiring an event manager could make you feel more relaxed about your next event. For example, it's another creative weights use that day.


That will be an example of inspire content, because remember that sales content is about inspiring people to take the next step. When people aren't investing in your products or services, it's not generally because they don't like the product or you it's often because they feel a bit afraid. Maybe they've had their fingers burnt. Maybe they have tried an event manager before, and it didn't work out so reassuring people and showing them how they could get good results by investing in your product or service or make their life easier.


Save time, save money. That is all really powerful. Next up. We've got world photo day. So if you are a photographer or you work in social media management or marketing or something that feels really relevant, this is a great opportunity to share tips. So you could share tips on taking better photos with your smartphone, or you could share your favorite apps for editing photos.


Those are, those would be examples of educate posts, where you're sharing tips, advice, helpful information, answering people's questions, but you can create content from world photo day. Even if it doesn't feel at all relevant to your business, you could simply choose a photo from your photo library, just to have a scroll through on your phone and pick a photo perhaps about a turning point in your life.


Or perhaps you could pick a couple of photos of before and after sharing a powerful story about a transformation in your own life, or it could be in someone else's life. It could be a client for example, or just a photo. That means a lot to you. That can be a really powerful piece of content. It doesn't have to be deadly serious either to create a community piece of content.


You could simply share a photo that's funny or relatable. So for example, I recently was away running retreats and I needed to record some podcasts contempt when I was there. And I forgot parts of my podcast kit. I forgot the stand that my microphone goes on. I had to improvise with a toilet roll. So I took a photo of that and shared it on social media and asked fellow podcasters.


What was the most interesting work around they had to put together in order to record a podcast and got quite a lot of engagement on that. That will be an example of community content, because it's about nurturing. It's about bringing people closer. It's about sales and conversations. And the great thing about that kind of content is it doesn't take long to put together and worth though.


Today is August the 19th. Finally, there's world entrepreneur's day on August the 21st. Now this is a great day to share what inspired your entrepreneurial journey and all invite others to do the same. And if you have a copy of my creator's content planner, sharing your entrepreneurial journey or the turning point, whatever it was that inspired you to move into entrepreneurship,


that will be an example of an inspire style post, because you are sharing a relatable story. You're bringing people closer, you're helping them feel less alone, more connected. If you are inviting other people to share theirs and that's community content. It's more about asking questions and getting closer, building that relationship with your audience. Although there is obviously a similarity between the two,


if you wanted to create an educate style post, and if it's relevant to your customers or clients, you could share tips for entrepreneurs. So for example, X number of tips, for whatever challenge it might be for beginner entrepreneurs, or how to insert something that people find challenging as a solopreneur as ever with this stuff, the more specific you can be the better.


So beginner entrepreneurs is better than just entrepreneurs or female entrepreneurs. The more that you can really call out your ideal customer or client, the more shots of his, of your message and your content landing with your ideal customers or clients. So I hope you found that useful. I record an episode with ideas for the following month, every single month ahead of time.


So August ideas goes out in July and September is ideas will go out in August, but if you are finding it challenging to come up with ideas, or maybe you don't quite get how to take awareness states and turn them into content for your business, it's actually well worth going back and having a listen to July, June, may right back to the beginning of the year,


even though they're not coming round to next year, listening to the process that I go through and how I take a day, I don't always use them literally. That's the time I don't use them literally, but just seeing how you can take a day and the different directions that you can go in to create engaging content. I think you may find that very useful.


And by the way, I can hardly believe I'm saying that, but my 2023 courageous just content planner will be going on sale. It goes on pre-order at the end of August, that's 2022. If you're listening in the future, I will add a link to the wait list in the show notes for this episode and do add yourself to that wait list that way.


You'll be first to hear when my new planet goes on sale. I always do a very generous discount for pre-orders. And so you can save yourself money and also make sure that you get guaranteed your choice of cover.

Show artwork for Courageous

About the Podcast

Business strategy to generate predictable revenue and scale your business. Hosted by Janet Murray. For coaches, consultant, freelancers, contractors and/or business owners (of any age or stage) who want to build a sustainable business.
The 'Courageous' podcast is for entrepreneurs and business owners who want inspiration/ideas to help grow their business.

This podcast is hosted Janet Murray - a business strategist and former journalist - with more than a decade's experience in building online businesses.

Series 1 is solo season - and is packed with practical business advice and strategies to grow your business.
Series 2 - which is due to land in October 2024 - will feature indepth interviews with entrepreneurs and business leaders. They'll be sharing the challenges and obstacles they've had to overcome in their business - along with their biggest mistakes (and what they learned from getting things 'wrong').

So make sure you subscribe so you don't miss out when Season 2 lands in October.

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Janet Murray

I’m Janet Murray - I’m a business strategist and copywriter who helps consultants, coaches, freelancers and small business owners generate consistent income and/or recurring revenue.

I’m also the creator of the Courageous CEO Business Strategy Planner - which contains tried and tested strategy & resources to grow your business.