Episode 151

Published on:

17th May 2022

4 content ideas for June (that use awareness days)

Need some content ideas for June? 

In this episode of the Courageous Content Podcast, I’ll share four ready-to-go content ideas for June for small business owners. 

You can use them as inspiration for social media posts, blogs, newsletters, podcasts (and any other content you create to promote your business). 

Here’s the awareness dates I cover: 

  • Her Majesty the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee (June 3)
  • Best Friends Day (June 8)
  • World Productivity Day (June 20)
  • Social Media Day (June 30)

*Join the Platinum Jubilee conversation by sharing your events, activities, tributes and creativity using the hashtags #PlatinumJubilee and #HM70 and tagging @DCMS on Twitter or @dcmsgovuk on Instagram and Facebook.

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Janet Murray’s Courageous Content Planner

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Non-cheesy ways to turn awareness days into social media posts (podcast)

3 myths about using awareness days in your content (podcast)

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Are you looking for content ideas for June? Well, I've got your back. I'm Janet Murray. I'm a content and online business strategist. And in this episode of the courageous content podcast, I share four content ideas for June ideas that you can turn into social media posts, into blogs, newsletters, whatever content you create for your business, which I hope will save you a ton of time.


If you have a copy of my courageous content planner, it's a great way to see how the awareness stays in the planner can be turned into content. So first up, we've got the Queen's platinum Jubilee on June the third. So if you're based in the UK, then this is a great opportunity to talk about all things Royal. And in fact, you don't have to be from the UK to use this as inspiration for your content.


Because remember, as I remind people all the time awareness days or key dates, they don't have to be used. Literally they can just be there to spark ideas. So why not share how you give your customers or clients, the Royal treatment, maybe you could even create some kind of VIP treatment or offer just for that week or just for the day.


All you can ask your community. What makes them feel like royalty? Not only is this a great way to get ideas on how you can improve your customer service. It might also give you ideas for new products and services. If you have a copy of my courageous content planner you'll know, I recommend four stars of content. So that's the news and trends inspire community and educate news and trends is typically when you're sharing tips,


when you're educating people, answering their questions, giving advice, the key thing about news and trends. And that's what makes it different to educate is that it's timely. So sometimes people who use my courageous content planner asks me what's the difference between using trends and educate. The key difference is, is that a news and trends post has to run at a particular time to make sense.


So for example, this podcast, I'm recording now content ideas for do the best time to put this out is probably in may, which is exactly what I'm doing to give people a chance to plan and create their content. It wouldn't really make sense for me to put this podcast out in December inspire content is really about nurturing your audience. It's about bringing you closer together.


So you might be sharing personal stories and experiences. I regard sales content as inspired content, because it's about inspiring people to take the next step with you about building that trust about helping people to feel reassured and confident to become your customer or client. Then you've got community, which is also very much about nurturing. So it's asking questions, starting conversations. So often that type of content works really well for things like Facebook groups and Instagram stories.


And then you've got your educated consent, which is very similar to news and trends, but it can be published anytime it's not tied to a particular date. So if you have microphages content planner sharing tips on giving the Royal treatments, that could be a news and trends post and asking people what makes them feel like Welty? Well that's community style content. And by the way,


if you want to join the platinum and Jubilee conversation by sharing your events, activities, tributes, and creativity, using the hashtags, there's plenty that you can use. So there's platinum Jubilee and Hm, 70, you can also tag at DCMS on Twitter at DCMS gov UK on Instagram and Facebook are, let's see auto phase in the show notes, but remember awareness states,


they are not a straight jacket that dictate that you have to post about certain topic on a certain date. And only if you live in the country where it's relevant, you could take this royalty theme and not even mention the Queen's Jubilee. It's all about getting that creativity going and creating content. That's engaging for your audience. Next up, we've got best Wednesday on June the eighth,


and this is the perfect opportunity to run a recommend a offend offer and something people often don't think about with awareness dates actually is that they can inspire new offers, specific products or services just gave you some examples there for the Queen's Jubilee. So you could run a two for one offer or a one plus one offer. I know we've done recommended bestie offers or bring a friend offers four events in the past,


and this is the perfect day to do it. And you might all feel not to share a relevant, personal story or experience to go alongside it for community content, asking questions about friendship. That's a great way to get conversations going in your Facebook group on Instagram stories on your Facebook page. On LinkedIn Twitter, you can ask really simple questions like have you got a best friend or are you still friends with people you went to school with?


And community content is really about nurturing. It's about bringing you closer to your audience and bringing them closer to you about growing that note like, and trust sharing a personal story or experience often where there's some kind of message we'll take away. That's typically inspired content. I often talk about inspire content as being reassuring. So it's about making people feel less alone.


So if, for example, you were to share a story about a time that our friends let you down or a time that a friend really stepped up for you. Then even if someone hasn't had the exact experience that you share in that personal story, if they can relate to the emotions in that story, then that can be really powerful. Next up there is world productivity day on June,


the 20th people love tips and ideas on how to get more done and how to get things done in less time. So it's a great day to share tips or ideas on how to stay productive throughout the day or week. You could also share an app that saves you time and helps you get things done, or a website that you love, or a book that you've read.


And all of those would be examples of educate content and using trans concept because it's about adding value. It's about answering people's questions, making life easier, solving problems. That's what you're using trends and educate content is all about. Or maybe you've helped a client or customer of yours to get more productive. This will be a great opportunity to share a testimonial or client or customer story.


For me, that's inspired content. If you find the idea of creating a specific sales content icky, this can be a great way to reframe it. When I share a client success story or testimonial, I think about that as inspiring people to take the next step to reassure people that investing in my products or services is going to be worthwhile for them because here's someone who has had a great experience.


And finally, there's a social media day on June the 30th. So why not share social media accounts you'd love to follow or something you love or hates about social media. That first example would be a news and trends post or an educate, post sharing, something you love or hates about social media or sharing a personal story. I look at that as inspire content because when you're sharing personal stories or experiences and particularly relatable ones,


things people might have an opinion about then that is all about nurturing that relationship, which is one of the key aspects of inspire content. If you want to create some community style contents, then you could just pose those questions to your audience. So ask them what they love or hate about social media and who they love to follow online, what their favorite platforms or least favorite platforms are.


And the great thing about those kinds of paces. They're really quick to create. They're just questions. And typically that kind of thing works really well on Instagram stories. Not so well on your grids work for on LinkedIn or Twitter in Facebook groups on your Facebook page and creating a bank of those kinds of question. Community style posts means that you've got some in reserve for those times when you're busy or you're all out of ideas.


You can just go to your content bank of community pastes. So I hate you found that helpful, and it's given you some ideas for June. If you want to understand more about how to use awareness days in your content, I've got a couple of relevant episodes for you to listen to. One is non-cheesy way is to turn awareness days into social media posts and three myths about using awareness days in your content on LinkedIn,


both of those in the show notes.

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About the Podcast

Business strategy to generate predictable revenue and scale your business. Hosted by Janet Murray. For coaches, consultant, freelancers, contractors and/or business owners (of any age or stage) who want to build a sustainable business.
The 'Courageous' podcast is for entrepreneurs and business owners who want inspiration/ideas to help grow their business.

This podcast is hosted Janet Murray - a business strategist and former journalist - with more than a decade's experience in building online businesses.

Series 1 is solo season - and is packed with practical business advice and strategies to grow your business.
Series 2 - which is due to land in October 2024 - will feature indepth interviews with entrepreneurs and business leaders. They'll be sharing the challenges and obstacles they've had to overcome in their business - along with their biggest mistakes (and what they learned from getting things 'wrong').

So make sure you subscribe so you don't miss out when Season 2 lands in October.

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Janet Murray

I’m Janet Murray - I’m a business strategist and copywriter who helps consultants, coaches, freelancers and small business owners generate consistent income and/or recurring revenue.

I’m also the creator of the Courageous CEO Business Strategy Planner - which contains tried and tested strategy & resources to grow your business.