Episode 130

Published on:

7th Apr 2022

How to launch a 1-2-1 service (and yes you need to launch!)

If you’re struggling to sell your services as a coach or consultant it may be because you haven’t actually launched your service.


Because launches aren’t just for internet squillionaires selling digital products/services one-to-many. Every business needs to launch - regardless of what you sell. And you need to launch everything - including 1-2-1 coaching/consulting, done -for-you or done-with-you services. 


Which means you need a launch plan and launch content. 


In this episode of the Courageous Content podcast I share the five types of content you need to launch and sell a service. 


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You could start generating recurring revenue today (so why aren't you doing it?) (podcast)

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If you're struggling to sell your services as a coach or consultant, it may be because you haven't actually launched that service because launches aren't just for internet squealing who sell digital products, one to many, whilst sipping cocktails on the beach, you know, the kind of thing. I mean, the truth is every business needs to launch and you need to launch everything,


including one-to-one coaching or consulting done for you and done with you services, which means you also need a launch plan and you need to create launch content. I'm Janet Murray. I'm a content and online business strategist. And in this episode of the courageous content podcast, OSHA, the five types of content you need to launch a service. The first type of content you need is lead generation content.


When you sell a one-to-one service or a done with you or done for you service, you need to spend some time thinking about who you're going to sell it to who your ideal clients are for that service and what kind of content you need to create to attract those clients. And typically it's no use throwing up social media posts and hoping that one of your ideal clients will see that post or even crafting a specific email newsletter or marketing email,


because typically those who are likely to invest in this type of surveys are those who already know like, and trust you, which means your hottest leads are typically your existing and previous clients. Yep. People who are already spending money with you or have done in the past, your warm leads. The next most likely to buy are typically those. You already have a relationship with,


even if they are not already a client. So this could be social media followers, email subscribers, podcast, listeners, blog, readers, not generally, there's passive ones who never respond to your content or never get in a conversation with you. Those, you have some kind of relationship with you need an offer outline. You need an outreach email for your hot and warm leads,


and you also probably need a cold outreach email. So it's something you can send to people who seem like your ideal client. They have the problem that your service solves, but you don't yet know each other. And there are templates for all three of these types of launch content for services in my business, basics, content kit, the next type of content you need to create to launch a one-to-one service or done for you or done with you.



Service is sales call onboarding content. If you sell this type of service, typically your initial goal is going to be booking sales calls with the right type of people. And the more successful your sales calls, the more clients you're going to get, but running successful sales calls. Isn't just about what happens during your meeting with a prospective client, the way you prepare your clients for sales calls and follow up with them afterwards can make all the difference.


And it comes back to the same thing, content creating an onboarding sequence of emails for prospective clients. That includes information on how to prepare for a sales call and reminders about the calls will almost certainly increase your success rate. And there's a template for a sales call onboarding sequence and my business basics, contact kits, which are linked to in the show notes of this podcast.


The next type of content you need to create is for your sales call, because to run a successful sales call, you need to have a plan and you also need content creating a template or checklist for your sales calls will ensure you get the most out of the conversations you're having with prospective clients and make sure that they have all the information they need to make a decision about whether to work with you.


And guess what? There are templates for your sales call, including a checklist in my business, basics content camp, following up promptly with prospective clients of the sales call is vital when it comes to boosting your conversions. But this can be really tough when you're busy running a business and you've got 1,000,001 things today, which is why it creating followup templates. You can adapt for different clients and different scenarios can help a lot.


So the fourth type of content you need for a successful service launch is sales followup concept. And typically you'll need four types of follow-up email or email sequence. The first is a followup email for prospects. You don't feel are suitable. You'll also need a sequence for prospects who say, yes, they do want to work with you so you can give them their next steps,


tell them what they need to do to confirm their booking or confirm their place. You'll also need a follow-up email sequence for prospects who gets to the end of a sales call and ask you to send a proposal or quotes or both, and also for prospects who say they need time to consider. And yes, there are author templates for this type of content.


in my business basics, content care. Finally, you need clients onboarding content. When a prospective client has said yes to your service, it's tempting to take your foot off the gas and just feel so relieved that they say yes, that you don't do anything, but the way you onboard a new client can make all the difference. And a great onboarding experience can increase the lifetime value of your customers,


which means they'll keep coming back again. And again, to that end, it's worth creating an onboarding sequence of emails that includes confirmation that their booking or place information of any actions they need to take. And when your next be in touch, it's all about the communication. And there's a template for a client onboarding sequence in my business, basics, content care.


So I hope you found this helpful and not only has it highlighted the fact that you do need to launch a one-to-one service or a done with you or done for you service, and you do need to create a plan and create quite specific content to not only increase the chances of someone becoming a client, but also bringing you repeat business. And the reason I'm recording this episode about creating content for surveys there's because I think it's often something that gets overlooked.


And I think that many business coaches seem to just kind of assume that their clients will know a, that they need to create this kind of content and that it will save them time to have it templated and ready to go to it can just be adapted for each prospective client or scenario and B that they will know what content they need to create and in what order they need to deliver it.


And if you've not done this kind of thing before, well, it's a lot. And that was really what prompted me to create a very specific content kit to help you get clients, to help you to sell your services, your one-to-one coaching or consultants they or done for you or done with you services. I really felt there was a gap out there and that many content experts like me were full of advice on social media content and email newsletter content,


and all content and all those other types of marketing content. But actually didn't often talk about this more functional content that is nevertheless really important and actually is more important than getting on top of your social media content or email newsletter content. Because if you can't sell your service or your coaching program to one person or one organization, you're going to struggle to sell it at scale.


So I hope you found that useful. And if you would like to save yourself a ton of time, then you may well want to invest in my business basics, content kit. It contains templates for all of the things that I've described, and also things like putting an offer together. I was amazed how many clients I come across, who don't know how to put together an offer for a coaching or consultancy package or a done with you or done for you service.


But it's really important to know how to do that. And also the other content you need to create to ensure that not only are you booking in the sales calls that you need, but you're also converting on those calls and your demonstrating that you can deliver the services that you're promoting by being reliable, following up. When you say you will communicating clearly about what's going to happen next,


all of this stuff is more important, I think, than any of us often imagined. So hope you found that helpful as ever a deal of hearing from you say, if you enjoy this episode, if you've got any follow-up questions, best place to connect with me is over on Instagram. I'm at Jan Murray, UK, and I'll link to my business basics,


content kit, in the show notes of this episode.

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About the Podcast

Business strategy to generate predictable revenue and scale your business. Hosted by Janet Murray. For coaches, consultant, freelancers, contractors and/or business owners (of any age or stage) who want to build a sustainable business.
The 'Courageous' podcast is for entrepreneurs and business owners who want inspiration/ideas to help grow their business.

This podcast is hosted Janet Murray - a business strategist and former journalist - with more than a decade's experience in building online businesses.

Series 1 is solo season - and is packed with practical business advice and strategies to grow your business.
Series 2 - which is due to land in October 2024 - will feature indepth interviews with entrepreneurs and business leaders. They'll be sharing the challenges and obstacles they've had to overcome in their business - along with their biggest mistakes (and what they learned from getting things 'wrong').

So make sure you subscribe so you don't miss out when Season 2 lands in October.

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Janet Murray

I’m Janet Murray - I’m a business strategist and copywriter who helps consultants, coaches, freelancers and small business owners generate consistent income and/or recurring revenue.

I’m also the creator of the Courageous CEO Business Strategy Planner - which contains tried and tested strategy & resources to grow your business.