Episode 17

Published on:

19th Jul 2021

Make an Instagram Reel with me (and get more views)

Are you afraid of Instagram Reels?

Maybe you’ve created some Reels but still feel a bit awkward/silly about it.

Or perhaps you’d like to have a go at Instagram Reels but feel overwhelmed by the tech.

If any of this sounds familiar, you need to listen to this podcast episode - which is a practical tutorial. Yep..I show you around the app and guide you through the process of making an engaging Instagram Reel - on the podcast. 

Even if you’re already creating Instagram Reels, you should definitely listen. Because I’ll be showing you how to get more views on your Reels (by creating shorter, more impactful videos). 

You’ll learn how to record your Reels in separate clips, edit individual clips (and whole videos), add text to your videos and get it to show up at the right time. 

Even if you already know how to do these things, I can guarantee you’ll learn something you don’t know about how to get the most out of Instagram Reels features. 

Key Moments

[2:55] Why you should script your Instagram Reels 

[8:33] How to script a ‘tips & tricks’ style Reel 

[12:47] Tour of the Instagram Reels app 

[20:22] How to film an Instagram Reel in clips (and why you should) 

[22:21] How to edit individual clips in Instagram Reels

[28:36] How to add text to your Reel (and get it to show up at the right time)

Key Links

Janet Murray’s Courageous Content Planner

Janet Murray’s Courageous Podcasting Content Kit

Janet Murray’s Courageous Planner Launch Content Kit

Janet Murray's Courageous Blog Content Kit

Save £30 on my Courageous Email Lead Magnet Content Kit using the code MAGNET67.

Save £30 on my Business Basics Content Kit using the code PODCAST67.

Save £30 on my Courageous Launch Content Kit using the code PODCAST67.

Janet Murray’s Courators Kit

Janet Murray’s FREE Ultimate Course Launch Checklist

How to add a cover to an Instagram Reel using Canva (Instagram Reel) 

Janet Murray’s website

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Janet Murray on TikTok




It really kills me how many women and it is usually women don't get started with tools like Instagram reels or TikTok because they are afraid of the tech. Are you afraid of Instagram rails? Maybe you created some reels, but still feel a bit awkward or silly about it. Perhaps you'd like to have a go at Instagram reels, but feel overwhelmed by the tech.


If any of this resonates with you, then stick around because I'm going to help you tackle your fear of reels by making an Instagram real with you on this podcast, I'm going to get you to open up the app with me and talk you through the different features. If you're already creating Instagram reels, stick around because I'll be showing you how to get more views on your rails by creating shorter or impactful videos.


You'll learn how to record Instagram Reels in separate clips, how to edit individual clips and whole videos. You'll also learn how to add text your Instagram rails and get it to show up at the right time. If you already know how to do these things, I can guarantee you'll learn something you don't already know on how to make the most of Instagram reels features.


You're listening to the courageous content podcast. I'm Janet Murray, and I love helping coaches, creatives and entrepreneurs create super engaging content that generates leads and sales for their businesses. No one starts a business and just knows how to create engaging. Content is a skill that has to be learned and practice. And there's always something new to learn, no matter how long you've been in business.


And I know running an online business can feel messy, perfectionism, fear, self doubts, and other mindset stuff can stop you showing up online in the way that's best for you. So you'll get helped with that too. Ready to get courageous with your content? Let's get started. Before we get stuck into the tutorial. I do need to share a few disclaimers first off if you're listening in the future.


So I'm recording this in July, 2021. Instagram rules may have changed or been updated. So things might look different on your phone to how I described them to you. You also need to bear in mind. If you have a different phone to me, if you haven't updated your Instagram app for awhile, or if you think given different features, we don't all get given the same pictures by Instagram.


Unfortunately, you may find that things look different on your phone, to how I'm describing them. For example, I've spoken to some business owners who don't have access to Instagram. I've also spoken to others who don't have access to music to some who did have access to music, but then they logged in one day and then they didn't. Obviously these are things I don't personally have any control over.


So if you do find things, look different on your phone. So panic, you may need to Google get on YouTube, ask a teenager, most problems you have, someone else would have had that problem. So the answer will be out there as long as you're resourceful enough to look or ask in the first part of this podcast, I'll show you how to script and Instagram reel.


So you can create shorter, more impactful videos. And now you don't have to dance or points at words on the screen to make effective Instagram rails. Some people like making them. I certainly do, but you don't have to. I don't generally advise scripting videos because it can make you sound wooden. But I do recommend scripting short form videos like ticks hooks and whales for two reasons.


Number one, it will stop you procrastinating. In my experience, the number one reason people struggle with Instagram reels is because they don't know what to post. They don't have a plan, which is a bit like setting off on a long car journey without an app you're bound to get lost. Number two, it helps you cut the waffle, which you'll hear me explain in just a second.


The easiest type of reel to create is a tips and tricks wheel. This is where you answer a common question, author of the common problem for your ideal customers or clients that relates to your product or service. Generally, I don't recommend scripting videos or using teleprompters or author cures because you can end up looking a bit wooden unnatural, but for short form videos that tick talks and rails,


I absolutely would because it helps you cut the one form. People lose interest very quickly on video. If you don't grab them within the first five seconds, they will often just keep scrolling. And you also need to change things up about every five seconds. If you don't change the angle, if you don't change something in the video, people will tend to lose interest and they'll stop watching.


So this is why I recommend you script your videos in this way. Every single word has to work for its place on that video. You need to keep things snappy and short and scripting planning out what you're going to say before you say it helps with that so much, and it helps you to get rid of any superfluous words or phrases. Anything that doesn't need to be in there.


You will remove that during the drafting process, I recommend picking a question. One that you get asked by your ideal customers and clients all the time. They're very specific and niche question that you're confident that you can answer in a 15 to 32nd video if you have a service business. So let's say that you're a stylist. You might think, well, people ask me a lot.


What are the best jeans to air for a particular shape, but to go through all the different body shapes on one video, 15, 30 seconds, that's probably too much. So a better topic would be how to find the best genes for passion. So one 40 type another example, how can I get more views on my Instagram rails? I've actually made that Instagram real.


There are lots of questions people have about Instagram reels, but how do I get more views is very specific. And it's something that I felt I could cover off in a short video, if you do beauty or makeup, how do I apply foundation evenly? Very specific. There are lots of questions you could answer about foundation or lots of things that you could say about applying or finding the right foundation.


But how do I apply it? Evenly is really nation specific and something you will be able to cover off in a short video. If you have a product based business, think of the problem that your product solves or a problem that people might have that relates to the product that you sell. So if you're a junior you'll know that one of the reasons that people may not buy your rings online is because they don't know their ring size,


or maybe they're buying a ring for someone else. And they don't know their ring size and they don't know how to find out. So creating a short Instagram rail on how to find out your ring size could be really helpful, how to make candles burn for longer. Say, if you buy candles, you know that one of the most frustrating things can be you buy a candle.


He spends a lot of money on it, and then it doesn't last very long. Or then it does that thing where the whip disappears inside the wax, and then you can't get it to light. Again, that's frustrating. You feel like you've wasted your money, creating a short video with a really great tip on how to make your candles last but longer could be really helpful for your ideal customers or clients.


How to get stains out of white t-shirts if you have a fashion brands and you might have some beautiful white slogan, t-shirts people may look at them and think, well, how would you love to buy one of those? But my t-shirts always get stains on them. So I get some, either catch up or chocolate and I can't get it out. And then I end up wearing them at a handful of times,


I would really recommend that you only cover off one tip. So if you have a killer tip for getting a particular type of stain out or a killer tip that gets most stains out, one thing is usually all you can cover off in one video, you may have noticed is that all of these examples I've given are generic. What I mean by that is they could be answered by anyone who sells a product or service like yours.


This is about positioning yourself as an expert, as a helpful resource. If people like your content and they find it valuable, they will go off and check out your products or services. They may not be ready to buy immediately, but when they are ready to buy, you'll be the first person they think of in the next part of this tutorial, I'm going to get you to draft the script for your tips and tricks,


Instagram reel. I'm also going to play you a few examples, although it may be tempting, please don't skip this step. In my experience, people often spend so much time stressing about the tech. They forget the most important part, creating a good piece of content. So get that done first. You can worry about getting it onto Instagram reels later.


So let's write your script. The first thing you need to do is to think of a question. You get asked a lot by your ideal customers or clients. One that you feel you could answer in a 15 to 32nd video and would provide value a generic question, not one specifically about your product or service. Once you've written down that question, which will probably be something like,


how do I, or what happens if, or how should I, or what should I do if all you need today is to write down your answer to that question in three to five statements, don't worry. I'm going to give you an example in just a second. Each of those statements needs to be no longer than around five seconds. If you were reading it out loud,


but I'm going to play you an example. Now I'm going to play it to you once three, and then I'm going to stop after each line. So you can see how I scripted out. How many times a week should you post on social media to grow your business? Four sales of content four days a week, but you can take a rest day and weekends off if you want to do more,


right? As long as you're consistent for size content for four days a week is fine. I'm now going to play that real to you again. And I'm going to talk you through the script as I, so you can see how I scripted it. Say the first line is the question. And the question is, how many times a week do you need to post on social media?


How many times a week should you post on social media to grow your business? You might have heard me say that. How many times a week do you need to post on social media to grow your business? On my caption on the screen, it actually says, how many times a week should you post on social media? That's really important because it's the first thing people there.


If that grabs them, they will stop and watch the rest of the video. I've split my answer into four statements, statement, number one, coming up for sales of content four days a week. My first statement is four thirds of content. Four days a week. My second statement is we hands off. You can take a rest day and weekends off third statement coming up.


If you want to do more, if you want to do more great, as long as you're consistent for as a content, as long as you're consistent, four sides of content, four days a week is a fine. That whole script is about 59 words. It answers the question. And I think someone watching that guest value 4,000 content, four days a week,


probably feel a bit relieved. I don't have to post as much as I thought I had to. So it's delivered value in about 20 seconds. I record each line separately. I generally change the angle of the shots. I might do a close up on one. I might move to the side or change position slightly. It's about keeping it Pacey, keeping it interesting because if you don't do that,


particularly on this kind of short form video, people would just keep scrolling. They would just lose interest. You may want to press pause in just a second. Say, you can continue writing your Instagram real script. If you're not ready to put your face on camera, there are some work arounds. If you're an artist or creative, you could just show your hands or just share your screen.


If you work on a computer and you've got interesting things to show people, or you can just use photos or video, but you will generally find that you'll get less views. If you do this, people want to do business with people. They want to see human faces. Say the sooner you can get brave and put your face on camera. The better in the next part of this tutorial,


I'm going to give you a tour of the Instagram rules app. Even if you're already using Instagram rails, I'd recommend you listen to this part. You may hear about a feature you're unaware of, or not using to its full potential. Open up Instagram and look for a little clapperboard with an arrow on it, hit the button with that icon on it,


and it should take you into your rails. I usually hit the one on the bottom of my screen, right in the middle. So once you've hit that button, you should say, add a little camera on the top, right of your screen, tap that. And it will take you into Instagram reels. What you should see now is your own face,


a little bit scary, and you should see a menu down the left hand side. And that may use got musical notes, couple of little clocks on it or one. So that's how you'll know that you're in the right place. You can move them into the right hand side. If you want to just tap the cog on the top left and you'll see camera tools and an option to move it over to the right hand side,


I'm going to take you through each of those icons in the menu while I'm doing so. I want you to have a play around yourself because the only way to get good at this stuff is just start using the first icon is musical notes. Semiquavers if you're musical tap this and you will see it brings up a menu of music. There are suggestions for you,


or they should be so tracks that Instagram thinks that you were like probably based on other things that you've listened to. You can also search up for songs that you like to come out of that area. Simply swipe down with your finger. The second icon we're going to look at is the little clock with 15 on it. This allows you to set the length of your videos.


I tap on that icon. You should get options for 15 and 30 seconds days. You may even have 60. The next icon we're going to look at is just below that the one X icon, this allows you to speed up, slow down your video or particular sections of it. They tap on that. Now one X and you should see different options for different speeds.


The next icon I want you to look at is effects. So if you tap on this one, and this is the three stars, you will see Earl of circles appear along the bottom. I want you to put your finger on those circles and just scroll across to the right. You'll see some funny things as you're doing it, you might get hats.


You might get weeks sparkles. Instagram changes these quite regularly, but they're quite fun. If you scroll all the way over to the right, you will see a magnifying glass. And if you tap on that, that will take you in an area where you can search for more effects. The next icon we're going to look at is the touch-up icon that is to touch up your payments.


I think the filters in the effects section are better for this. The last icon we're going to look at in this menu is a really important one. You're going to be using this one a lot. This is the timer icon right at the bottom of the menu. So that it'll clock. When you tap on this, you'll see a white box comes up at the bottom,


which says timeout and a blue bar that says set timer. If you place your finger on the red handle over on the right and slide across, it allows you to set the length of the clips that you're going to record. If you're already using Instagram reels and you've wondered, how do I record my videos in sections? This is how you do it.


Because at the time of each clip that you want to record and record multiple clips, which is what we're going to do in the final parts of this tutorial. I'm going to show you how to make your tips and tricks Instagram real. In fact, I'm going to get you to make it with me. I'll get you to record it. Clip by clip,


show you how to edit those clips and how to add text to the screen. And the next part, I'll show you how to get that tax to show up at the right time. I just want to remind you at this stage that if you're feeling overwhelmed, this is quite normal. Everyone feels like this when they start using a new app or tool.


So we've had the tool. Now it's time to make your tips and tricks Instagram real. If you need to listen to the tour again, by all means day, I will walk you through it. Step-by-step so it should be easy. However, I do need to give you a few reminders. If you have a different phone to me, if you haven't updated your app for awhile,


if Instagram has given you different features, your interface might look a bit different. So I might be describing things that look different on your screen. This home, if you're listening in the future, I'm recording this in July, 2021. If that happens, do not panic. Just pause the recording and have a play around Instagram rules is so intuitive. It's just about being brave enough to get it,


to play around, to tap things, to experiment, to say, what happens if I do this? That's how we all learn this stuff. There is no magic secret. Nothing's horrible is going to happen. You're not going to accidentally record yourself. It's really unlikely. That will happen. And even if it did, you could delete it. So just have the courage to have a play around.


Honestly, it really kills me how many women and it is usually women don't get started with tools like Instagram reels or Tik TOK, because they are afraid of the tech. They have this idea that they're not good at tackle. They're overwhelmed. And it's such a shame because the reality is the only way to get to grips with a new app is to just play with it and use it.


So if you followed my instructions, you should have your script at the ready. The first line or statement will be your question. So this question that you get asked a lot by adding customers or clients. The example I shared with you was how many times should I post on social media each week? And then you're answering that question in three to five statements.


Each of those statements, you should be able to say to camera in five seconds or less, if not, pause the podcast, get that ready. And you can pick up when your script is ready, but then overthink it. It doesn't need to be perfect once if I would give you tips, actually it will be to paste your script onto the notes of your phone.


If you have an iPhone or whatever the equivalent is on an Android, I would also recommend writing out the first line, the question or the title of your video in capitals, the other statements leave a gap in between each of them that will make it easier to add the text to your veil. Okay? So I think we're good to go. And remember,


you can stop and start this podcast at any point. The first thing you need to do is to set the length of your video. So you need to head to the menu down the left hand side or on the right, if you've moved it over to the right and it's second one down the little clock with the numbers, tap on that you should get the option of either 15,


30, or maybe even 60. If you've got that seconds, eyes, and I want you to select 30. Once you've done that, we're going to set the timer to record your first clip. We're going to record everything inside Instagram wheels. You don't have to, but for the purpose of this tutorial, we will do tap the timer, which is the icon on the bottom of the menu.


Looks like a clock and you will see a little white box appear at the bottom. First thing you need to do is to set your countdown timer. So this will give you either three or 10 seconds to get ready to record your first clip. You can see that above the red side, you can talk well between three or 10 seconds and right, let the time you need to get ready to shoot your first clip.


Next, place your finger on the red slider and slide it across to the left until it gets for about five seconds, then press the blue button set timer to record in Instagram, you need the white button with the clapperboard in the middle. I've set a timer. So when I hit that, it's going to start to count me down, tap on that white button to start recording.


And you can hear my timer is counting me down as you're recording your nicest, that there's a pink bar going across the top and you'll see the pink bar will stop when the recording stops. Once you've recorded that first clip, you'll notice that's a little circle has appeared next to the recording button on the left-hand side, with a little arrow in it. If you tap on that,


you will see your video. If you don't like it, you can hit the bin button. But when I'm recording videos, I often put my hands up to my face at the end of a click twice to stop doing it, but it's a bad habit. So I often need to shave a little bit off the end of the clip to trim a clip instead of choosing the band,


which will delete it. Cheers the scissors. When you tap on those scissors, you will see a bar at the bottom with a white slider. You just need to put your finger on that slide. As you slide it to where you want your video to stop. You can also cut from the beginning of the clip again, using the slide. Once you're happy that you've got your slider in the right place,


just hit trim on the top, right? And that will cut your clip. You'll notice that your clip also appears on the bottom left. That will become important in justice. That once you're happy with that click tap done. Now it's time to record your segment line. So as we're going to be recording this in sections, we need to go back to that timer button on the left.


So I'm going to tap that the white box will appear at the bottom, and you're going to put your finger on the red bar and slide it across to around 10 seconds and then start timer. As soon as you hit that white record button, you'll hear it counting down again. What the pink bar across the top again, and you'll see, there's now two click tap on the preview button to look at what you've just recorded on the little circle with the arrow next to the record button on the left.


You can also watch it there. And what you'll notice is that that second clip has appeared at the bottom. So Instagram wheels will show you all of the clips that you've recorded along the bottom, and you can actually tap on those to watch them. If you're not happy with that clip again, you can tap the bin and delete it. If not press done,


you can also trim it as before and then go through the same process to record

your third clip, to keep things pacy and interesting. It's important to change things around every five seconds. So I would always recommend that the first clip you film straight to camera, but then you change something. The angle maybe sound off to the left or the right or lower down,


or bring in a prop. Or maybe you can use a close that I'm going to show you how to do that. If you want to record your third clip as a closer, if your face placed two things on the screen and spread them apart, that seems in on your face to record that third clip, we're going to do this one. Zoomed in,


hit the timer button. This time you're going to set the timer to 15 seconds or thereabouts. Then hit that white record button in the middle of you can tap on the button on the right to preview on the left. If you tap on the little circle with the arrow, you will see all your clips along the bottom. And again, you can choose to delete trim once you're happy,


just click done. Repeat this for your next clips. So you'll have between one or three more clips to record each clip. You need to set the timer to around five seconds. So you've got time for everything. Once you've recorded all of your clips, you will have a draft of your tips and tricks wheel. So the next thing I'm going to show you how to do is to add text.


This is important, not only from an accessibility point of view, putting text means that people who are deaf or hard of hearing will be able to access your content. But also we have to remember that a lot of people that are actually watching social media with the sound turned down by putting texts on you're ensuring that your content reaches as many people as possible.


If there's not people missing out because they can't hear the sound. Before we

move on to adding text, I just want to point out a few more features. We won't use them all on this tutorial, cause that will be overwhelming. But just to let you know that they're there. So once you're happy with your video draft, you hit preview. That will take you into another screen where you'll see another menu across the top.


This has an arrow musical notes, a microphone, a square face, a squiggly line, and some texts. The first one, the arrow, if you tap on the arrow, it will save the draft of your video. This is helpful and vital to do every time. I think for a number of reasons. So first off, if you mess up and accidentally delete your real or,


or, or make a mistake, then at least you've got that draft author makes it easy for you to repurpose for other platforms. There's sometimes I make videos, which I tweaked slightly for Instagram reels and Tik TOK and put different texts on the next one along is those musical notes. But on this menu, at least for me, it indicates something different.


It's about volume. I didn't have these audio controls for a while. You might not have them. But when I tap on that, I get invited to add music. So if you want to add music to your video, you can, I would recommend that you don't, if this is one of your first real, because it can take a bit of fiddling around to get the volume,


right? I've had scenarios where I've added music, and then I'm not able to reduce the volume of the music and increase the volume of my voice. Then you got them into the microphone. So this is where you can record a voiceover. So you can record a whole video silently and then add a voiceover on top. Or you can record a voiceover for different parts of your video.


But again, I think it's useful to know it's there, but if you're in the early stages of rails, I wouldn't get bogged down with that. Comeback to that. When you're confident with the other parts, then you've got the little square face. This works in a similar way to Instagram stories. You can find stickers and gifts to add to your wheel there.


The next one is the pencil. You can use that to change the color of backgrounds and texts. But again, if you're fairly new to Instagram, realize you're just getting used to it. I would come back to that kind of feature. Later. The last feature is the one that we will be using, which is the text tool. So if you want to have a practice now tap on the AA as your taxed.


I always paste mine from the notes on phone. When you add some textures, see a row of different types of fonts, come along the bottom. I would recommend choosing one that is closest to your brand fonts that you use and just using the same one every single time. So just keep it consistent to change the color, highlight the text that you want to change the color of and tap on the color wheel at the top.


There's two square boxes next to the color wheel. You can use those to add a backgrounds to your texts. I have a play around with days. The thing that catches a lot of people out with adding texts, Instagram whales is that they managed to add text, but then it remains through the whole of the video and they can't work out how to get it to stop when they finish saying what it is,


that their thing. So this is how you do it. Tap on the icon in the top, right corner, the a capsule and paste in your first line of text. If you want to change the color wheel or you want to add backgrounds, just tap on AA again, and it will give you those options. If you look down to the bottom left,


you'll see a small white square and that's easier tax. If you tap on that, you'll notice a slider along the bottom. That indicates that the line that you've just pasted onto the screen is going to show up throughout your video. So if you don't want it to show up throughout your video, you need to grab the white slider and you just need to slide it back to where you want that text to finish appearing on the screen.


It really is that easy for you. We'll have to listen to it and you'll have to match your words up to your text on the screen, but it's actually very easy. Once you're happy with that first line of text, tap some then paste in your next line of text, adjust the fonts and the colors and backgrounds to match the first one. If you need to,


and you'll notice another box has appeared along the bottom on the bottom left. That's your second piece of text. If you tap on that second box, you'll notice the same thing as before your text is currently going to appear throughout the video, because this is your second clip. You're going to need to tap on the cider on the left, cause you want it to start after the first line.


And you're also going to need to put your finger on the side on the right to slide it back because you don't want it to last for the entire video. Again, you will need to listen to it, to check the texts coming in at the right time. Is it a little bit fiddly the first few times you do it, but once you're happy click done,


you will be able to check all of the taxes in the right place before you hit publish. Don't worry. But sometimes I like to have a check partway through. So if you decide that you want to do that, tap share two on the right, that will take you into a screen where you can tap, save as draft in the bottom. And if you head to your pre-read,


you'll see that draft. If you tap on it a couple of times, it will give you the option to edit. When are going to add your third line of text, tap on the AA in the top, right? Adjust the fonts and colors. If you need to, once you've added it, you'll notice a third box on the bottom left.


That's the usual third line of text as before tap on that box and a slider will appear at the bottom. So again, you'll need to grab the handle both at the beginning and the end to shorten the length of time that that text appears on the screen. Repeat that process until you've added all of your texts on the screen. I'm not going to lie.


It feels a bit fiddly at first, and you might need to watch it back quite a few times and adjust it and play around with it, to get it in the right place. So don't feel like you're stupid or silly or that you can't do this. If that's what happens. That's certainly how it was to me for the first few times. It was very frustrating,


but once you've done it a few times, it's easy. Once you're happy with the video, once you're happy with the text, click preview again, this will take you to the screen where you can add your caption. You'll also be invited to add the cover. So you can just scroll through and pick a frame where you're not learning or putting a silly face.


But if you're fussy about the aesthetic, the look of your grid, you may prefer to make covers. You can do this really easily using a design tool like Canva I'll link to it in the show notes. I also have an Instagram wheel on how to create covers can really help. If you want things to look consistent, if you want to add a cover,


you'll see that you get an option to add from the camera rolls. You just need to make sure that your cover is on your camera roll. If you are using your face, then one thing you do need to be careful about is that your head isn't chopped off at the top. So if you are going to use your face, Instagram has introduced something recently,


which is just brilliant for this. When you're ready to post your video, tap the share to button don't panic. It won't share anything anywhere. There's quite a few steps to go through before it will publish. You'll see, there is an option to crop profile image on that page. But halfway down, this gives you a square, which is basically the Instagram grid and you can drag around your face so that your face can actually be seen in the grid.


Another important thing to do here is to make sure that you share your real to your Instagram feed and not just to reels, no one ever really truly knows how it all works. But there seems to be quite a bit of evidence to suggest that if you're just posting your reels in the reels section and not visible on your grid, they will get less views on the share page.


There's a little button allow, share to feed, just make sure you've got that set to share to your feed. You can actually adapt or tweak the script for your video and turn that into your caption. So once you've done that, you'll get to share your tips and tricks. Real. I'm not going to lie. Making this podcast episode was scary,


creating an audio tutorial on something that's very practical and very visual is one of the most challenging pieces of content I've ever created. I do hope you found it useful and please feel reassured that if you feel like you need to go back, listen to some parts again, that's completely normal. In fact, I've added a link to a transcript of this episode in the show notes.


So you can easily find the parts you want to go back to. If nothing else, I hope it's given you the confidence to dive in and have a look around Instagram rails to tap things, swiped things, toggle things, because that really is the best way to learn how to use a new apple tool and do be kind to yourself. The first time I use Instagram rails,


I found it frustrating and fiddly a few months down the line. I can't believe I ever found it hard. Having the courage to give new tools ago and ask for help if you need it is what really counts. If you enjoy this episode, I would love you to connect with me on Instagram. I'm over at Jan Murray UK. And what would make me really happy is if you shared a reel that you've made as a result of listening to this episode,


no question Would you like to grow your audience on social media, head over to Janet murray.co.uk/audience to take my 62nd audience growth quiz, find out the steps you need to take to build your online audience and your sales. You get a detailed report with actionable tips, tried and tested with hundreds of my clients from both products and service based businesses. So you can start creating super engaging content to attract your ideal clients today.


Thanks for listening to the courageous content podcast. If you enjoyed this episode, please leave a review on apple podcast or share the episode on social media. That way more people can benefit from the free tips and strategies I share and be sure to just hack me when you do I'm at Jan Murray on Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok.

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About the Podcast

Business strategy to generate predictable revenue and scale your business. Hosted by Janet Murray. For coaches, consultant, freelancers, contractors and/or business owners (of any age or stage) who want to build a sustainable business.
The 'Courageous' podcast is for entrepreneurs and business owners who want inspiration/ideas to help grow their business.

This podcast is hosted Janet Murray - a business strategist and former journalist - with more than a decade's experience in building online businesses.

Series 1 is solo season - and is packed with practical business advice and strategies to grow your business.
Series 2 - which is due to land in October 2024 - will feature indepth interviews with entrepreneurs and business leaders. They'll be sharing the challenges and obstacles they've had to overcome in their business - along with their biggest mistakes (and what they learned from getting things 'wrong').

So make sure you subscribe so you don't miss out when Season 2 lands in October.

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Janet Murray

I’m Janet Murray - I’m a business strategist and copywriter who helps consultants, coaches, freelancers and small business owners generate consistent income and/or recurring revenue.

I’m also the creator of the Courageous CEO Business Strategy Planner - which contains tried and tested strategy & resources to grow your business.