Episode 101

Published on:

23rd Feb 2022

The biggest problem for female business owners in 2022 (and it's not Imposter Syndrome)




I hear a lot of talk in the online space about imposter syndrome and how it's holding women back from achieving their potential. But I can't help thinking that actually the opposite is true that far from being crippled with doubts and insecurity, the online space is full of people who appear to have too much confidence. People who are trying to pass themselves off as experts in things that actually not because pretty much every day,


I see things like this, client attraction, coaches, people I know firsthand are struggling to get clients themselves online course, launch coaches who struggled to sell courses. People promoting online business masterminds. Who've never run frickin online business. Now don't get me wrong. I don't think people mean to be dishonest. They're just following what everyone else is doing in the online space.


But sometimes I go on to Facebook or Instagram and it feels like one of these big pyramid schemes filled with thousands of women creating and selling online programs to each other, typically on topics that are unlikely to sell more than a handful, because the course creator hasn't had a proper advice from an expert. Someone who's actually successfully sold online courses and sold them at scale,


but also because their business coach is typically someone they met in an online program they've paid for, which means they don't have the experience to help them craft an offer for an online course or membership. People actually want to buy and build an audience to sell it to because they haven't done it themselves. So why is this happening? Well, I have a few series theory.


Number one, online gurus selling the passive income laptop lifestyle, without being honest about the time and let's face it. The toil involved, the same people who are in the online space saying that anyone can create an online course. I mean, to a certain extent that is true. Anyone can create a course, but to create a good course that actually sells and sells at scale.


Not only do you have to be an expert, but you also have to do your due diligence around learning about how to promote a course about how to write sales pages and email marketing copy how's. It creates an offer in the first place that people actually want to buy and then nail how you talk and write about it. So people feel excited to buy it.


That's a lot, and it's not something that you can learn in a few weeks or even a few months. My other theory is that people are being influenced by the social media influencer thing, which gives people the impression that they can post on Instagram or tech talk a few times and are people keeping up to buy their stuff. It's happened to a few people.


So that means it can happen to anyone, but it can't. Thankfully I am seeing more people will start to question the hype around the passive income dream and recognizing that if that's the path they want to take, they need to get it time and actually become an expert in what they want to teach before they start trying to sell an online course or membership on that topic.


As an online business owner who does sell one to many products successfully, I feel all I can do is to say honest with my own audience and clients about what it really takes to build a so-called passive income business. And by the way, it isn't generally passive income. When you see somebody selling an online course or what membership a heck of a lot of work has gone in not only to creating that course promoting that course,


but also building the audience to sell that course, too. That takes years. It takes a ton of content. And quite frankly, it's not for everyone, but I do sometimes wonder about the billions of pounds invested by women on online programs that promise the earth and deliver very little in the way of results. And it is usually women because we are typically the ones who are trying to find ways to make money part-time or flexibly around our family commitments and the farmer self wondering when people are going to wake up and smell the coffee,


how much more money is going to be wasted on online programs that promise the passive income lifestyle promise a dream. But don't tell people that there's a fair bit of work involved and learning involved to be able to create an offer that people want to be able to buy and to be able to set it successfully. I share this because I know that you might have aspirations to sell online courses or memberships.


Maybe you already have one at the moment and you're looking to increase your sales. And I just want to be honest with you about what's involved. I love selling one-to-many. I love teaching once in many, but it's not easy. And to put this into context Sunday evening, just gone. I was closing up our mini launch. If you like for my co-writers club,


offering some upgrades to some existing members. I thought there at nine o'clock at night, sending personalized reminder messages to my clients. Because even when you have all the fancy automation in place, even when you've been doing it for years, even when you've done dozens of launches, like I have the personal touch and the personal relationships that you build still Trump, anything,


but also you still have to do it. There's never a point when you have an online business where you can totally sit back and just wait for that money to roll in the customers who buy your online courses or memberships, they need customer service. They're going to get stuck. They're possibly going to get locked out of their membership site. They're going to have questions.


And I try to be honest about all of theirs and share what it's really like to run an online business. So that if that is your dream, you're going into it with your eyes open and your being kind to yourself. You're not comparing yourself, unfavorably to people who are further in their business, or have the funds to hire experts for things like copywriting or Facebook ads,


the kind of things that can help you move things along quicker. And just to remind you that the only person you can compare yourself to is you. And by the way, if you do want to save yourself some time and hassle with your online course and membership sales, then do you take a look at my content kits it's just launched this week. So that's February 20, 22.


And I don't think I've actually ever been more excited about launching a digital product because it contains every piece of content you need to have for a successful launch. So your sales pages, email marketing campaigns, your upsells down sells. Thank you. Pages, nurture sequences. FAQ's testimonials it's is all there. Oh, the 10,000 words of copy. Say, you can save time on your launch content and also follow my strategy.


It's a strategy that I've used to generate more than a million pounds in sales of online memberships and courses. It's all fill in the gaps templates. That's going to save you a ton of time and just get you from that blank page. Wondering what the heck you should write. If you'd like to invest in my Courageous Launch Content Kit, I'll put a link in the show notes,


and if you're listening around the time it goes on sale, you may just be in time to grab yourself a 25% discount with the code podcast, 67.

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About the Podcast

Business strategy to generate predictable revenue and scale your business. Hosted by Janet Murray. For coaches, consultant, freelancers, contractors and/or business owners (of any age or stage) who want to build a sustainable business.
The 'Courageous' podcast is for entrepreneurs and business owners who want inspiration/ideas to help grow their business.

This podcast is hosted Janet Murray - a business strategist and former journalist - with more than a decade's experience in building online businesses.

Series 1 is solo season - and is packed with practical business advice and strategies to grow your business.
Series 2 - which is due to land in October 2024 - will feature indepth interviews with entrepreneurs and business leaders. They'll be sharing the challenges and obstacles they've had to overcome in their business - along with their biggest mistakes (and what they learned from getting things 'wrong').

So make sure you subscribe so you don't miss out when Season 2 lands in October.

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Janet Murray

I’m Janet Murray - I’m a business strategist and copywriter who helps consultants, coaches, freelancers and small business owners generate consistent income and/or recurring revenue.

I’m also the creator of the Courageous CEO Business Strategy Planner - which contains tried and tested strategy & resources to grow your business.