Episode 113

Published on:

9th Mar 2022

You could start generating recurring revenue today (so why aren't you doing it?)

Do you feel like you’ve got the makings of a brilliant online course sitting on your computer - if ONLY you could free up a bit of time to create the content? 


I’ve got news for you. 


You could have your online course on sale by the end of this week. 😮 


Launching a digital product - and generating recurring income from it - does NOT have to mean creating an online course with umpteen modules, pdf downloads & video tutorials. 


So what’s the alternative? Find out in this episode of the Courageous Content Podcast.



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Is it time to shake up the online coaching industry? (podcast)

What is a launch anyway (and why should you care)? (podcast)

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Do you feel like you've got the makings of a brilliant online course sitting on your computer? If only you could free up just a bit of time to create the content? Well, I've got news for you. You could have your course on sale by the end of this week because launching a digital product and generating recurring income from it does not have to mean creating an online course with umpteen modules,


PDF downloads, cheat sheets, checklist, and video tutorials. I'm Janet Marie, a content and online business strategies. And in this episode of the courageous content podcast, I'm going to bust a few more myths. And this time I'm busting myths about online course creation, starting with what is a course, because if you haven't got round to notching your online course yet,


even though, you know, you have got some brilliant stuff sitting on your computer, you're an expert. You know, you can help people. The first thing you need to change is your definition of what an online course actually is. A few weeks back, I posted an infographic on Instagram. That's been really popular. The title is two routes to recurring monthly income.


Perhaps you saw it. And if you didn't, don't worry, I'm going to share it in the show notes of this podcast. So in the right hand column, the subheader is most new course creators. And let me read you what it says day one, available to find time to create online calls they 30 still not got started recurring revenue, zero pounds,


day 60, still not got started recurring revenue, zero pounds. They 90 still not got started recurring revenue, zero pounds. In the left hand column, the subheader is savvy new course creator. Let me read you what this side says. Day one creates one module course, AK masterclass to sell at 37 pounds. They 30 have sold 20 recurring revenue,


740 pounds. They 60 have sold 40 recurring revenue, 1,480 pounds. They 90 have sold 60 recurring revenue, 2,220 pounds. And I have to say, I feel a bit like Bridget Jones when I read all of that out. But anyway, the reason I think this particular post has been so popular and has actually resulted in quite a few sales of microphages launch content yet is because it makes some really important points about why most people never get their digital products off the ground because here's the thing launching a digital product and generating recurring income from it does not have to be in creating an online course with ANSI modules,


PDF downloads, video tutorials, cheat sheets, and checklists. And it doesn't mean that you have to have a membership site built. It doesn't mean paying for a course hosting platform like teachable. It doesn't even mean fancy email marketing automation. You don't need any of that stuff to sell a digital product. And if you're struggling to get your online course on sale,


or maybe you've created one and you're having trouble selling it, the first thing you need to change is your understanding of what an online course is. Because an online course doesn't have to have multiple modules, a one of masterclass or webinar, even a PDF download is eight course. A course is a resource that delivers a particular learning outcome. And if you can deliver the outcome that people need in one class rather than 100,


which is what most people try to teach, and actually your clients are going to love you for it because here's another thing. Even if you go to the trouble of creating that umpteen module online course that you think is so useful and helpful, most people won't complete it. Some will even be put off the fact that there is so much content in your course because they know they'll never finish it.


Thirdly, there is currently no data that we can look to for completion rates. For online courses. The neighbors we can get is to look at MOOCs, which I think stands for something like mass online, something or other courses. But the completion rates are awful like 10, 15%, something like that. And it's not surprising. It's tough going to work through a complete course on your own.


You've got a million and other things to do. And I'm guessing that there's a good chance that like me, you have tons of incomplete online courses sitting on your computer. One of my most popular online courses is my, how to launch your own planner master class. It's a one off masterclass and it's so popular. That's when I took it off sale for a few months.


When I was moving over my website, people kept emailing to ask if they could buy it. And it really makes sense. When you think about it, why spend weeks learning? If you can teach someone what they need to know in 60 minutes or 90 minutes, why would you draw it out over modules and modules if doing so is going to make people feel overwhelmed.


And if you're going to produce a course that no one ever finishes, where are you going to get your testimonials from? Where are you going to get your good news stories? Another one of my most successful courses is my how to launch your own power hour course, where I literally walk people through how to create and sell a power hour. I've bought power hours recently paid someone a couple of hundred quids to do a power hour with them who has done that course.


And I know that they've made multiple thousands because I was able to deliver the learning that they needed to help them get up and running, to get that quick win. And I know they're not the only person in 19 minutes and a couple of hours in one workbook that they can go back to again and again. And that's what I love about one module.


Online courses, your students can implement what they learn and they can see results within weeks, often within days or even on the day. I've had people email me after my power hour class to say they've sold one that day. It's just mad. The other part of it though, is about giving yourself a break and giving yourself the chance to learn even to launch a one-off masterclass or webinar or PDF download,


you have to create a ton of content. You need to create sales copy. You likely need to create sales emails, social media posts. You might need to get someone to create graphics for you. You may want to build a sales page. Thank you. Page, follow up emails, delivery emails. We usually call them. That is a lot of content that you have to create just to deliver one module,


even to launch a one-to-one. I've got an episode coming up on that same. So why would you delay launching your online course to create an umpteen module course that you're not even sure anybody's going to buy anyway, because you haven't tested the concept. If you've just done a one off class and it doesn't quite land, you've wasted a morning or an afternoon,


probably, but also why would you do that when you don't have any experience of doing a launch? Why not get the experience of running a whole launch process through, with a simple, straightforward product where there is little or no customer service? Cause I'll tell you another thing about phone calls is that people get locked out of them. They get stuck, they try to log in and a video doesn't work or they can't download the PDF or whatever it might be.


And you have to provide that customer service. So why not give yourself a break and test this all out on a one module course, but even better earn money while you're learning, because that's exactly what you can do. And that way, when you are ready to go for the big umpteen module course, I mean, I'd still keep it lean, but sometimes one module isn't enough for some topics or,


you know, something that I've helped clients do in the past is to launch a series of one of my class and then put them together in a course or a bundle. That's a smart thing to do. But when you start with a one module course, you can gather success stories that you can use as testimonials. And here's another thing that people often don't consider.


You can get better at teaching. I feel lucky that I had a bit of a headstart here because I'm a qualified school teacher. So I spent a year learning how to help people learn, which has made it a lot easier, but it's still different doing it online and creating, engaging with authors and classes. You have to learn about that to work.


And you're not going to be brilliant at it when you first do it. So why not cut your teeth on something small and manageable and earn money while you're doing it so that when you are ready to go bigger, you're going to make more sales because you're to be more experienced and you're going to have more social proof. That's the infographic I talked about earlier.


I think that the thing that really stood out for people was how sitting around talking about creating an online course, something that feels so big and overwhelming. You don't know where to start. You haven't got time to do every day. You're not doing it. You're losing money. Okay. Making a couple of thousand in 90 days, it might not feel like very much compared to what all the big online gurus are telling you.


You can make, which by the way, isn't true. You need an audience and you need experience. And if you don't believe me, go back and have a listen to a couple of older episodes. Is it time to shake up the online coaching industry and what is the launch anyway? And why should you care are link to both of those in the show notes.


So if you take nothing else from this episode, please be a savvy new course creator and start waiting until you have the time to create that umpteen module online course, because every day that you think about launching a digital product in terms of a course like that, you're actually delaying bringing recurring revenue into your business. So I hope this episode has helped you reframe the whole idea of what a course is and spurred you on to get going,


to create that one module digital products and get it on sale. If you'd like some help with that, I am running a program which is designed to do just that. To get you to launch a one module course in 90 days or any other small digital product that you want to get on sale. It's my 90 day launch sprint. And I would love you to be part of it starting at the beginning of April.


It's two instruments for listening in the future. And I'd love to be able to send you one of my snotty digital certificates at the end of June, because you've actually created a course and you put it on sale, which is more than most people ever date. Say, if you would like to join me, head over to the show notes, to find out more about my 90 day launch sprint

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About the Podcast

Business strategy to generate predictable revenue and scale your business. Hosted by Janet Murray. For coaches, consultant, freelancers, contractors and/or business owners (of any age or stage) who want to build a sustainable business.
The 'Courageous' podcast is for entrepreneurs and business owners who want inspiration/ideas to help grow their business.

This podcast is hosted Janet Murray - a business strategist and former journalist - with more than a decade's experience in building online businesses.

Series 1 is solo season - and is packed with practical business advice and strategies to grow your business.
Series 2 - which is due to land in October 2024 - will feature indepth interviews with entrepreneurs and business leaders. They'll be sharing the challenges and obstacles they've had to overcome in their business - along with their biggest mistakes (and what they learned from getting things 'wrong').

So make sure you subscribe so you don't miss out when Season 2 lands in October.

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Janet Murray

I’m Janet Murray - I’m a business strategist and copywriter who helps consultants, coaches, freelancers and small business owners generate consistent income and/or recurring revenue.

I’m also the creator of the Courageous CEO Business Strategy Planner - which contains tried and tested strategy & resources to grow your business.