Episode 143

Published on:

29th Apr 2022

3 easy email lead magnets any business owner can create




Do you want to create an email lead magnet for your business, but you're not sure where to get started or what kind of email lead magnet is best for your business. I'm Janet Murray, a content and online business strategist. And in this episode of the courageous content podcast, I'll share three types of email lead magnet. Any business owner can create One of the most common mistakes I see business owners make with lead magnets is trying to get to advance to scene.


So it really is best to keep things simple with a PDF download. Once you've successfully launched a simple lead magnet and you're getting decent download numbers, then you can move onto something more advanced. So here's some lead magnet ideas for beginners listicles. So this is where you simply make a list of tips or ideas, templates, or scripts. So let's say for example,


you are a sales coach. You might put together some kind of template or script to have more successful sales calls. Checklists can work really well for most types of businesses plans too. So remember that with an email lead magnet, typically what you're doing is providing information and education. So one of my most popular email lead magnets is my 30 day content plan,


but that's actually a model that you could adapt for many businesses. If you're a fitness coach, you could put together workout routines. If you're a nutritionist, you could put together a meal plans. If you teach music, you could put together a piano practice plan. So hopefully you get the idea recipes of course work well. If you have a food based business or you're a health coach,


if music is your thing, you could share code sheets or lead sheets or practice plans. Guides can work really well too. So if you have a product based business, you could put together some kind of gift guide. If you were a tour guide, you could put a guide together for a particular town or city or part of the world. If you run an Airbnb,


it will be a great idea to put together a visitor's guide for the local area, worksheets and workbooks. It can also work well as can prompt. So for example, if you're a coach, you could put together a lead magnet with prompts for having difficult conversations, the more specific, the better, so very specific types of conversations. I'll give you an example.


A little bit later, reports or white papers can work well, eBooks or playbooks, transcripts of talks that you've given or online classes, slide decks can even work really well. And don't forget that your lead magnet doesn't actually have to be a download. A lead magnet could be a newsletter that you send out every week or a Facebook group, or I've even seen people use their price lists as lead magnet.


So anything that you can put together easily that is attractive enough for somebody to want to give you their email address. And as in there's examples of just giving you that I'm gonna give you some more injustice that it doesn't have to be complicated. So here's some examples of some more advanced lead magnets and a mistake. I do see lots of people who are quite new to email marketing making is to go straight to some of these.


And if you do do this, what you're basically doing is creating a whole load of work for yourself on an idea that isn't tested. So what I'm not saying, don't do any of the things I'm going to share, or I am saying is it's probably best to test out the idea or the concept on a simple PDF download first, and then you can create something more complicated.


So examples of lead magnet ideas for more experienced content creators, you've got quizzes, online challenges. So these typically one across a week, or could even be up to a month webinars, you can give away free trials. If you have an apple resource, that's quite a common thing to do. You can do giveaways, you could do video series, audio series calculators.


I used to have an email lead magnet that was an audience size calculator, headline generators, or any other kind of wordy generator. You can also create an email cause I've got a few of those and things like desktop or mobile wallpapers. And then you've got things like wallpaper. So you can do those for desktop or mobile. If you have a product based business,


by the way, the key is to think about the problem that your product solves for your ideal customer or client. So I often get business owners who have put up businesses coming to me a little bit stumped, forgetting that I sell a product. So my courageous content planner is a physical product. You can also buy a digital version, but it is a physical product.


And I have got numerous email lead magnets that linked to that particular product. I talk more about those in my podcast episode. What content do you need to launch an email lead magnet? And yes, you do need to launch I'll link to that one in the show notes. So with microwave, just content planner, I know it solves two key problems.


It helps people who are stuck for ideas on what to post on social media or on other content platforms. And it also helps people to stay organized and consistent with their content. So I have a couple of lead magnets on the go at the moment, my 30 day content plan. I do talk in that podcast episode more about how those two things link and also my 28 grabbing go post ideas.


So it really is possible to come up with ideas. If you have a product business, the go to lead magnet is often to give away discount codes. But the problem with that is that people can often take your code and then unsubscribed from your list. If you're creating some kind of information based lead magnet, then people are much more likely to stick around.


And like I say, I do talk more about what that business is in that particular podcast episode. So here's three ideas for you. And these are the easiest ideas. If you are either new to lead magnet content creation, or you haven't yet managed to create a lead magnet, that's getting you the kind of signups that you're hoping for the first is the listicle.


And the clue is in the names of this is basically when you list out often it's a number of tips or ideas. So a good example would be 27 tips to have better sales calls as a coach or consultant, and even better example, it would be 27 tips to have a better sales cause as a health coach, because that's more specific. And if you have my courageous email lead magnet content kits,


there is a training that goes alongside the templates that come with the kit. I'll tell you more about it in just a sec, but I have fill in the gaps, email lead magnet titles that you can use, which will make this a heck of a lot easier and help you to be really niche because that's generally the thing that will increase the downloads of your lead magnet being really niche,


really specific. The next type of email lead magnet that is really easy to create for business owners is a plan, an example. It might be 30 day piano practice plan for adult beginners. So if you were a piano teacher selling online piano lessons and even better example would be 30 days, jazz piano practice plant for adult beginners because that's being even more specific and even better.


One would be 30 day at jazz piano practice plan for adult beginners who are new to jazz, but not playing the piano. So that gets even more specific about your target subscriber. And remember your goal is not to have a big email list year ago is to have an engaged email list that buy your stuff because you can imagine for example, that if you were a piano teacher teaching jazz,


that's going to be very different teaching somebody who already plays the piano and somebody who hasn't played at all. So if you're not specific in your lead magnet about exactly who your ideal customer or client is, then you could end up bringing the wrong people onto your email list and your sales will suffer as a result. The final example that I think is really great for beginners to create and generally quite easy is a template or a script.


And it's really important. I do talk about this in the training that goes alongside my courageous email lead magnet kept the important thing is to start with your goal. So ideally your goal should always be something that you want to sell at the end. So let's say for example, your goal is to sell your online course on leadership or retail managers, a template or script that you could provide would be conversation prompts for talking to a retain employee about poor performance,


really specific, even better would be conversation prompts for talking to a new retail employee about poor performance. So the new immediately makes it much more specific. So I hope you've found that helpful. And if you take away nothing else from this episode, it really is to keep it simple with your very first lead magnet or until you've got one that's working really well with a simple download.


Now I have canvas templates. If you haven't heard of Canberra, it's a design tool that you can use to create special content for your business. So I've got templates for those three types of lead magnets. You can simply change the colors and the fonts to suit your branding. And it's a really great way to just kind of get off the blank page and get going.


I think a lot of people really overthink lead magnets. I remember like spending months thinking about mine and actually when it came to it, I created it in about two hours. And often we have all of the content that we need. We know who it is that we want to add to our lists. And often we're just overthinking it and worrying and using my templates,


I think can help you just kind of go look, I'm just going to use one of Janet's fill in the gaps, lead magnet titles, because then I'm not going to overthink it. I'm going to use one of our templates and I'm just going to get going. My courageous email lead magnet content kit also contains templates for all of the other content that you need to launch and promote lead magnet.


So there's filling the gaps, email copy for delivering your email lead magnet. There is a nurture sequence, which is important to Sam once you've delivered your lead magnet and also sales followup emails. There's also promotional social media posts, emails that you can send to your list about your new lead magnet, copy templates and visual templates, basically everything that you will need to create and promotes a lead magnet along with an audio training,


which you can complete in less than an hour. So I will put a link to my courageous email lead magnet content kits in the show notes. If you want to crap that there's a discount for podcast subscribers. And if you ever hear me share a discount code on the podcast, it's typically life in 90 days from when the podcast goes live. And in this case,


it's magnet 67.

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About the Podcast

Business strategy to generate predictable revenue and scale your business. Hosted by Janet Murray. For coaches, consultant, freelancers, contractors and/or business owners (of any age or stage) who want to build a sustainable business.
The 'Courageous' podcast is for entrepreneurs and business owners who want inspiration/ideas to help grow their business.

This podcast is hosted Janet Murray - a business strategist and former journalist - with more than a decade's experience in building online businesses.

Series 1 is solo season - and is packed with practical business advice and strategies to grow your business.
Series 2 - which is due to land in October 2024 - will feature indepth interviews with entrepreneurs and business leaders. They'll be sharing the challenges and obstacles they've had to overcome in their business - along with their biggest mistakes (and what they learned from getting things 'wrong').

So make sure you subscribe so you don't miss out when Season 2 lands in October.

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Janet Murray

I’m Janet Murray - I’m a business strategist and copywriter who helps consultants, coaches, freelancers and small business owners generate consistent income and/or recurring revenue.

I’m also the creator of the Courageous CEO Business Strategy Planner - which contains tried and tested strategy & resources to grow your business.