Episode 144

Published on:

4th May 2022

How my Courageous Email Lead Magnet Kit can save you time (and money)




Do you want to launch an email lead magnet for your business, but you're not sure where to start. Maybe you've listened to some of my podcasts episodes on creating an email lead magnet and it feels kind of overwhelming. It just sounds like there's so many moving parts. Maybe you've already created a lead magnet and you've listened to some of those episodes and it made you feel a bit worse because the penny drops about where you went wrong.


And now if you're wondering where to start fixing that, if any of this sounds familiar, keep listening because first off I've got a big dollop of reassurance for you. I'm also going to tell you about my courageous content, email lead magnet kit and how it can save you a ton of time and hassle. And now I'm not just saying that because I created it.


So first off, I want to start with some reassurance. Now I want to try and make you feel better because I have been exactly where you are right now. I have been that person who has spent weeks or months, I think it was wandering about creating an email lead magnet, turning it over in my head. Wondering if my idea was okay,


procrastinating about creating it and then actually creating it in a couple of hours. I've been sat there wondering what the heck a nurture email sequence was. Wonder whether it was okay to sell in the first email, what was the third or the fifth? I have been there where you might be right now where there's so much information coming at me that I feel like my head wants to explode.


I have also been in the situation where I've created lead magnets, that haven't done as well as I've hoped. And I've been scratching my head, wondering what I've done wrong, or whether I'm posting it in the right place or posting it at the wrong times or wondering whether the problem is my lead magnet or where I'm posting it or what time I'm posting it.


I have been through all of this and I guess I've made the mistakes so you don't have to, but all of that experience has helped me to create a process. It is like a rinse and repeat. I go through the same process. I create the same type of content each time. And that's what really motivated me to create the kit because you don't know what you don't know.


Email marketing is a very, very specific skill. It's a job that people get paid to do email marketing for a living, which is why starting a business and expecting to know this stuff is being a little bit hard on yourself. So if any of what I've just shared with you resonates, please feel reassured. I have been there too. I've also made tons of mistakes,


but the important thing was that I took action. And that's why I have any more list of around 26,000. I think it is now, but I wouldn't have that. And I wouldn't be able to make sales through my email list every single day had I not gone through this difficult process of creating my very first lead magnet of improving the early ones that I created,


which weren't as good as they are now. And this kit I've created is really about trying to make things easier for you to cut out the need for you to sit there and figure this stuff out for yourself. I've got all the templates for you. I've got the strategy. I can tell you exactly what order you need to do things in which means you can get on with creating your email lead magnet and do it all much quicker.


So what is the courageous email lead magnet content kit? Well, the clue's in the title. It's a content kit, but it contains fill in the gaps, copy templates for all of the content you need to launch and promote an email lead magnet. So things like, and don't worry if none of these terms mean anything to you at the moment they will do.


By the time you've finished the audio training that goes along with the care. So things like delivery, emails, email, nurture, sequences, landing page, copy, promotional emails, social media posts, lead magnet, launch plan, sales, funnel template. It is all there and I've laid it out for you. What you need to do the order,


you need to do it in. And I've given you fill in the gaps templates that you can adapt for any type of business. And as I've already shared, I created this care because they come across so many people who are struggling with email marketing, and often they're struggling to do the first thing that you need to do generally, which is to create an email lead magnet,


a resource that will attract people to join your email list. And by the way, I've shared this in tons of other episodes, but you really don't need fancy tech to have an email lead magnet. It can make things easier, but you really don't need it. And when you first start growing your list and you only have a small numbers of email subscribers,


or maybe none at all at the moment, that's even more reason not to let it hold you back. And if you've listened to any of the other episodes I've created on email lead magnets, I link to some of them in the show notes. So there's what content do you need to launch an email lead magnet, three easy email lead magnets. Any business owner can create.


And while your email lead magnet, isn't working, you know that I remind you of that all the time. If you have access to email and do you know how to send an email, you can have an email lead magnet and you can start to grow your list. You don't need fancy software to do it. So who is this content kept for?


Well, it's perfect for you. If you need to create an email lead magnet for your business, regardless of whether it's a product or service based business, or whether you've been in business for one month or 10 years, if you need to create an email lead magnet for a product or service based business. And by the way, lots of the examples that I share in the kits and in the training that goes alongside it also comes with an e-book.


Lots of those examples are from my own business. And I sell products and services and have created tons of email lead magnets for those products and specific eight. My courageous content planner, the cost of the kits is 97 pounds. And if you're listening in the first 90 days of this episode going live, you may well be able to grab my launch discount.


So typically when I share a discount on the podcast, the discount code will be live for 90 days from the date it's published and the code podcast 67 will get you a third of your kit. But even at the full price of 97 pounds, it is an absolute bargain because it took me years to learn this stuff. It took me hours, days,


weeks to learn how to put all of this copy together, to understand what kind of titles you need to have for a lead magnet. There's fill in the gaps, titles inside the kit to understand how long a lead magnet should be, how many pages, what should be inside it to understand what to send in those nurture emails, their delivery emails. And I'm just handing it all over to you all those years of work,


but also training you on how to use it. The audio training is less than 60 minutes, and it comes with a comprehensive ebook, which is 6,000 words long. But if it sounds scary, don't worry. There's lots of pictures and diagrams and case studies to make it really accessible for you. What kind of return on investment should you expect? Well,


as with any digital product, that's really down to you, I've got the strategy for you. I have got the content. The only bit I can't do is implement for you, but even if you didn't implement the strategy, which I absolutely hope you do, you'll still be saving yourself a ton of time because there is around 10,000 words of copy in that care that's hours of time,


weeks of time. In fact that you'll be saving if you invest in the camp. And if you're nervous about investing in your business at the moment, I made a podcast episode about this recently entitled, why you shouldn't cut your marketing spend right now, I'll link to that one in the show notes to a question you might want to ask yourself, is,


is it really saving money in your business to spend months trying to figure something out for yourself and delaying growing your email list? And of course, the reason we have an email list in the first place is to help us make sales more easily. And if you're serious about building your email list, not investing in this kit could actually cost you money in the long run.


And that cost could be way more than you're saving by not investing in the kit and trying to figure it all out for yourself. What kind of results can we expect? Well, just a few days ago, I ran a one day events, create your lead magnet in a day where I had around 50 business owners, creating that lead magnet with me using those resources over a five hour period in that five hour period,


most of them were able to create their lead magnet because not only do I give copy templates, but we also give Canva templates. And if you haven't heard of Canva, it's a free design tool that you can use to design documents in a visually pleasing way, even if you're not a designer. And since that event finished a few days ago, numerous students who were at that event have shared their completed lead magnet with me because with the right strategy with step-by-step instructions,


with someone telling you what to do and what order you can take action really, really quickly. So I hope that's given you an idea of what to expect from my courageous email lead magnet, content care. If I've accidentally called another kit during this episode, it is possible because I've also got the courageous launch content kit and the business basics kit. I do apologize,


but hopefully you get the jest. I will link to the kits in the show notes. Remember the discount code I shared with you podcast 67 will be live for 90 days from the date. This episode is published and any questions as ever drop me a line on janet@janetmurray.co.uk, my team always happy to answer any questions about my products.

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About the Podcast

Business strategy to generate predictable revenue and scale your business. Hosted by Janet Murray. For coaches, consultant, freelancers, contractors and/or business owners (of any age or stage) who want to build a sustainable business.
The 'Courageous' podcast is for entrepreneurs and business owners who want inspiration/ideas to help grow their business.

This podcast is hosted Janet Murray - a business strategist and former journalist - with more than a decade's experience in building online businesses.

Series 1 is solo season - and is packed with practical business advice and strategies to grow your business.
Series 2 - which is due to land in October 2024 - will feature indepth interviews with entrepreneurs and business leaders. They'll be sharing the challenges and obstacles they've had to overcome in their business - along with their biggest mistakes (and what they learned from getting things 'wrong').

So make sure you subscribe so you don't miss out when Season 2 lands in October.

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Janet Murray

I’m Janet Murray - I’m a business strategist and copywriter who helps consultants, coaches, freelancers and small business owners generate consistent income and/or recurring revenue.

I’m also the creator of the Courageous CEO Business Strategy Planner - which contains tried and tested strategy & resources to grow your business.