Episode 194

Published on:

30th Aug 2022

How much time should you spend on Cash Generation content?




How much time should you spend each week on cash generation content and how much time should you spend on other types of content you need to grow your business. That's exactly what you'll find out in this episode with the courageous content podcast. I'm Janet Murray. I'm a content and online business strategist.

And by the way, if you haven't heard me talk about cash generation content before you might want to go back and listen to the episode entitled what is cash generation content and how to create. Before you listen to this one. Now I wish I could tell you exactly how much time to spend on cash generation content each week or month, the exact amount of hours and minutes you'll need to spend to get the results you need.

Well, you're probably not surprised to hear, but I can't because it really does depend on a whole host of things like how much additional money you need to bring into your business at a particular


time, or how much you want to bring in what your business priorities are, which of course will vary across the.

Here are some common scenarios and how I might recommend approaching them. If you've just started a business, when you're first starting out, your priority is often just to get as many customers or clients as you can. If this is the case, I would recommend focusing solely on cash generation content until you feel you're confident enough that you have enough money coming in.

And I often refer to this as putting your fire out. So once you know that you've got enough coming. To cover your bills to cover whatever outgoings you've got each month, then you can turn your attention to creating audience growth, content and nurturing content. Another common scenario might be that you are struggling to make enough money.

You are making money, but it's not enough. Or it's inconsistent.


You're in feast or famine. If you're struggling to make enough money in your business, I'd recommend switching your focus or even just focusing solely on high touch cash generation content until you have enough money coming in. So what I'm saying really is go back to basics, treat yourself and your business as if you are just starting out, put that fire out, get your basics covered.

Then you can start to build that audience. Another common scenario is that you need a quick cash injection or you want one. So if you want to bring more money into your business fast, for a specific reason, maybe you've had an unexpected expense or there's an investment that you'd like to make in training.

You'd like to go to an event or you'd like to invest in some equipment. That might be a time when, just for a week or two or however long it needs to be. You switch your


focus solely. To cash generation content. Now that can feel a bit scary, particularly if you are already creating content regularly.

What about your regular social media content? Well, in an ideal world, you'd keep that going in the background. Maybe you would reduce it slightly, but if your ultimate goal is to make money, nothing terrible is going to happen. If you don't post on Facebook or Instagram for a week, and once you've achieved your goal, you can get back to your audience building and your nurturing content.

The key takeaway here for everyone is when your income is stable, you can spend much more time on audience growth and nurturing content. And a really good habit to get into is publishing at least one piece of audience growth content a week, for example, a blog or a blog or a podcast that way you're building up a bank of content to help new people find


you online and to find you for years to.

If you have micro courages concept planner, this can give you a useful framework to start with. The planner is based on my four by four strategy, which involves aiming for four stars of content four days a week. There's the two types of content audience, gross content, which typically will be news and trends or educate content.

And then you've got. Two types, nurture content, inspire and community content. Now my courageous kit, which goes alongside the courageous content planner goes into much more detail about these size of content and includes sorts of examples and templates. But what I would say is this, even when your income is stable, Putting aside just 45 minutes a week for cash generation activities is a really good idea because then it becomes a habit.

And that's actually what motivated me to create the, get it sold sessions that we have every Tuesday


in my curator's club, we come together on a Tuesday morning to do it, to get that live accountability. But actually there's also an option to do it online and making that a habit or an appointment in your diary is really, really powerful.

Pretty much every week people come off. Those calls having generated hundreds, sometimes even thousands of pounds of sales, just because they took that 45 minutes out of their week to focus on cash generation contents. A recent example, Lisa, a Pilate's teacher from the creator's club generated an additional five or 600 pounds just by spending 45 minutes reaching out to previous clients.

I think it was to fill up an upcoming program to see if they wanted to take part in a new Pilates program that she had coming up. We've got Nick, who's


a voice coach and she's filled up her retreats, which are much higher. Items just by showing up on a Tuesday and making her list of who she's gonna reach out to the people who she thinks would be a great fit for the retreat.

And then sitting there writing the emails and doing the follow ups so you can get really, quite big results for investing just a small amount of time. Each week. I often use the time to reach out to potential sponsors or partners for my live event. And people who might be interested in doing collaborations on microwaves concept planner.

It's not something I particularly enjoy. Not because I'm afraid of rejection, although I know that is a, a common objection. It's more because I'd much rather be doing something creative, but it always has great results. I'm always so glad that I did it. It's well worth sticking your bum


on your seat once a week, carving out that time to create this type of content.

Just imagine if you invested just 45 minutes a week on this for 45 weeks of the year factoring in say a few weeks off for holidays, that's 34 hours, pretty much a whole working week. You could make a lot of impact in that time. So I hope that's helped you to get a sense of how much time you should be spending on cash generation content right now.

So I hope you found that useful. And if you'd like to learn more about cash generation content, And ensure it's part of your overall content strategy. Then I do have a training on that very topic. It is my courageous cash generation content kit. I'll put a link in the show notes as well as a comprehensive, but short audio training.

You will get fill in the gaps, templates for cash


generation content. So when you are reaching out to prospective clients or customers, you never have to think about what to say. And if you're listening to this around the time of my pre-order week for my 2023 courageous content planner, you may just be in time to grab that kit as a bonus, but hurry, because it's not available for long.

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About the Podcast

Business strategy to generate predictable revenue and scale your business. Hosted by Janet Murray. For coaches, consultant, freelancers, contractors and/or business owners (of any age or stage) who want to build a sustainable business.
The 'Courageous' podcast is for entrepreneurs and business owners who want inspiration/ideas to help grow their business.

This podcast is hosted Janet Murray - a business strategist and former journalist - with more than a decade's experience in building online businesses.

Series 1 is solo season - and is packed with practical business advice and strategies to grow your business.
Series 2 - which is due to land in October 2024 - will feature indepth interviews with entrepreneurs and business leaders. They'll be sharing the challenges and obstacles they've had to overcome in their business - along with their biggest mistakes (and what they learned from getting things 'wrong').

So make sure you subscribe so you don't miss out when Season 2 lands in October.

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Janet Murray

I’m Janet Murray - I’m a business strategist and copywriter who helps consultants, coaches, freelancers and small business owners generate consistent income and/or recurring revenue.

I’m also the creator of the Courageous CEO Business Strategy Planner - which contains tried and tested strategy & resources to grow your business.