Episode 155

Published on:

24th May 2022

Stop punishing yourself for buying courses you didn't finish!

I'm hearing a lot of business owners say they're not investing in online learning right now because they have courses to 'finish off.'

Which kind of makes sense (but also doesn’t). 

Because there's usually a reason you don't finish an online course (or even touch it). And it isn't down to time (even if you think it is).

In this episode of the Courageous Content Podcast, I share why you really don't have to 'punish' yourself by making yourself take courses you don't need - just because you paid for them.

And also, how by deleting your unfinished courses you can make room for new training you actually need at this stage of your business.

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The obsession with 6 and 7 figure businesses (and how it could be harming yours) (podcast)

Don't get sucked in by the 'trading time for money' myth (podcast)

Shady practices to watch out for in the online business (podcast)

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My husband has been reading the same novel for two years. Now. I keep asking him why. Well, he says it's because he can't not finish a book once he started it mean if it doesn't grab me in the first page, I won't read it. If I get a few chapters in and realize the book is not for me, just stop reading it because life is too short to waste a minute of your time,


reading a book that isn't giving you what you need. Right? I mentioned this because I'm hearing a lot of business owners say they're not investing in online learning right now because they have courses to finish off. And I suppose it makes sense in a way, but in another way, it's kind of crazy. I'm Janet Marie kind of content and online business strategist.


And in this episode of the greatest content podcast, I make an appeal for you to delete all those half finished courses. You've got sitting on your computer or at least stop beating yourself up about the fact you didn't finish them. And to give yourself permission to invest in learning if that's what you need Seriously, not a week goes by where I don't have a customer in my inbox begging for access to an out of date because they didn't get around to watching.


And now that access has expired. Of course, that's probably a waste of time anyway, because concept marketing changes all the time. So watching an Instagram calls from three years ago so much has changed on the platform in that time. Why bother? And I'm sharing this because I'm having a lot of business owners say they're not investing in online learning right now because they have courses to finish off.


I suppose it makes sense in a way, but in another it's kind of crazy and more on that in a sec. First though, here's my theory on why it's happening and why? I think it needs to stop over the past five years or so many people have bought into the whole make money, online thing, investing in high ticket programs, or just lots of online programs thinking every new course would have the magic shortcuts.


They were looking for to a six or seven figure business. And this is no criticism of anyone by the way, believe me I've been there. But of course there are no shortcuts learning from someone who's achieved. The thing you want to achieve can certainly speed up the process. That's it can't do the work for you. And the job is the whole make money online.


Make six figures over night, make money from your laptop on the beach. Culture has made everyone think they were going to get rich overnight and got everyone binging on digital products and binges are often for by purchase. And as someone puts it to me so beautifully yesterday, it's left many people with cause fatigue, and maybe it's just me, but it feels to me like business owners are now punishing themselves for making bad choices by making themselves use what they've invested in,


which is a bit crazy, really. And it reminds me a bit of when you're a kid and your mom bought, you kept for ballet or brownies or TaeKwonDo, and then you decided you didn't want to do it anymore, but you had to stick at it because your parents had invested in the care, but you are not a child anymore, which means you don't have to finish something just because you paid for it,


especially if doing so, isn't going to add value to your life or business. And remember, there's usually a reason you didn't finish an online course or even start it in the first place. And it isn't down to time. Even if you think it is, it may be because it's not a good course. It may be because it's a good cause,


but actually not the right one for you. It may be because you got what you needed in the first few modules and you don't need to watch the rest of the course in order to get the outcome that you were looking for. So why bother seriously? You don't have to complete an online course just because you paid for it, especially if doing so won't add value to your business.


So maybe you made a bad investment. I bet you learn from the experience, which will help you to be more discerning next time. And please let there be a next time because you really don't have to punish yourself for making the wrong investment in online, learning, by making yourself take courses you don't need just because you paid for them or banning yourself on investing on any other learning until you've finished the courses that you've caught,


just like you don't have to spend two years reading a book just because you started it. So if what I've shared in this episode has resonated with you, call it. I dare you delete that course. You're probably not going to finish it anyway. Delete all the half finished courses on your computer, or at least hide them somewhere where you can't see them and stop beating yourself up about decisions that you made in the past.


And while you're at it, please, please, please readjust your expectations because no one causal or program is ever going to solve all your business problems. Every course or program I've taken without exception has given me a number of really useful takeaways. Even bad courses. There's been something in it. That's been useful to me. So celebrate that and stop beating yourself up because it wasn't the course to enter courses because that course doesn't actually exist.


And it's new level, new devil, every single time, every time I think I've cracked something in my business. Every time I feel like I've solved a problem, I've got good at something that I previously found difficult. Something else comes along to challenge me. It's just how it is so sad about the things that you learnt in all those half finished courses.


But unless going back and finishing those courses is actually going to add value to your life or business today, move on and don't punish yourself by saying you can't invest in any other online learning or training. You are absolutely deserving of investing in learning and training for your business, regardless of what has happened in the past. I hope you found that useful. And if any of the topics I've touched on in this episode have resonated with you.


There's a few others. I think you'll enjoy it. If you haven't listened to already add our link to those in the show notes. First off the obsession with six and seven figure businesses and how it could be harming yours, don't get sucked in by the trading time for money, myth, and shady practices to watch out for in the online business space as ever.


I do love hearing from you. So if you enjoyed what you heard in this episode, or you've got a question or something else you'd like me to cover on the podcast, then do get in touch. The best place to connect with me is on Instagram. I'm at Jan Murray UK.

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About the Podcast

Business strategy to generate predictable revenue and scale your business. Hosted by Janet Murray. For coaches, consultant, freelancers, contractors and/or business owners (of any age or stage) who want to build a sustainable business.
The 'Courageous' podcast is for entrepreneurs and business owners who want inspiration/ideas to help grow their business.

This podcast is hosted Janet Murray - a business strategist and former journalist - with more than a decade's experience in building online businesses.

Series 1 is solo season - and is packed with practical business advice and strategies to grow your business.
Series 2 - which is due to land in October 2024 - will feature indepth interviews with entrepreneurs and business leaders. They'll be sharing the challenges and obstacles they've had to overcome in their business - along with their biggest mistakes (and what they learned from getting things 'wrong').

So make sure you subscribe so you don't miss out when Season 2 lands in October.

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Janet Murray

I’m Janet Murray - I’m a business strategist and copywriter who helps consultants, coaches, freelancers and small business owners generate consistent income and/or recurring revenue.

I’m also the creator of the Courageous CEO Business Strategy Planner - which contains tried and tested strategy & resources to grow your business.